


Use the QS_VSASubclientContent script to move/delete/list/add vm/vms for specified subclient.


1. The script could accept one vm (by @i_vmName) or list of vms placed inside text file (path to file in @i_vmListFileName).

2. @i_OperationName one of {'Move'|'Delete'|'List'|'Add'}.

3. if the script used to move vm/vms (@i_OperationName='Move') you have to specify @i_NewSubclientName also.

4. Use optional parameters @i_BackupSetName/@i_NewBackupSetName if @i_SubclientName/@i_NewSubclientName are not unique for provided client and instance.

5. if @i_OperationName='Add' then file specified by @i_vmListFileName must have comma separated VM name, VM GUID, VM ESX Server on each line of file like:



6. if @i_OperationName='Move' or 'Delete' then file specified by @i_vmListFileName must have just VM name on each line of file like:



7. if @i_OperationName='Add' and file is not specified by @i_vmListFileName then you have to specify VM name via @i_vmName, VM GUID via @i_vmGUID amd VM ESX Server via @i_vmESXServer.

8. If invalid arguments or combination of arguments are used, appropriate error messages are displayed.


qoperation execscript -sn VSASubclientContent -si @i_ClientName='client_name' -si @i_InstanceName='Instance_Name' -si @i_SubclientName='subclient_name' -si @i_OperationName='Operation_Name' [ -si @i_BackupSetName='BackupSetName' -si @i_vmName='VM_Name' -si @i_NewBackupSetName='NewBackupSetName' -si @i_NewSubclientName='New_Subclient_Name' -si @i_vmListFileName='vm_List_File_Name' -si @i_vmGUID='vmGUID' -si @i_vmESXServer='ESXServer'] qoperation execscript -sn VSASubclientContent -si @i_ClientName='client_name' -si @i_InstanceName='Instance_Name' -si @i_SubclientName='subclient_name' -si @i_OperationName='Operation_Name' [ -si @i_BackupSetName='BackupSetName' -si @i_vmName='VM_Name' -si @i_NewBackupSetName='NewBackupSetName' -si @i_NewSubclientName='New_Subclient_Name' -si @i_vmListFileName='vm_List_File_Name' -si @i_vmGUID='vmGUID' -si @i_vmESXServer='ESXServer']

@i_OperationName one of {'Move'|'Delete'|'List'|'Add'}.

if @i_OperationName='Move' you have to specify @i_NewSubclientName.

You can specify one VM by @i_vmName or list of VMs by @i_vmListFileName or combination of both.

@i_vmListFileName must contain full path to text file with VM information.

if @i_OperationName='Add' then file specified by @i_vmListFileName must have comma separated VM name, VM GUID, VM ESX Server on each line of file like (CSV file):



Note: VM GUID (UUID) format should be like: 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX', also ESX Server name could be skipped. Real file line example:



if @i_OperationName='Move' or 'Delete' then file specified by @i_vmListFileName must have just VM name on each line of file like:



Use optional parameters @i_BackupSetName/@i_NewBackupSetName if @i_SubclientName/@i_NewSubclientName are not unique for provided client and instance.

if @i_OperationName='Add' and file is not specified by @i_vmListFileName then you have to specify VM name via @i_vmName, VM GUID via @i_vmGUID amd VM ESX Server via @i_vmESXServer.


  • Scope: All
  • Platform: CommServe (Database: CommServ)
  • Release: 11.0.0

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CommVault provides software tools and utilities on an "as is" basis, as a courtesy and convenience to its users, and they may be changed from time to time without notice. These tools and utilities are provided without express, implied, or statutory warranties of any kind. You assume full risk and responsibility for the selection, possession, performance and proper installation and use of the software tools and utilities, and for verifying the results obtained there from. Your use of CommVault software tools and utilities indicates your unconditional acceptance of the above disclaimer.

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