


To set the Library properties


To change library name

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si changename -si newName

Enable a Library (Common for all)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si enablelibrary -si 1

Disable a Library (Common for all)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si enablelibrary -si 0

Set Mount TimeOut

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si mounttimeout -si newTimeOutinMinutes

Set UnMount TimeOut

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si unmounttimeout -si newTimeOutinMinutes

Enable AutoMatically Add DataPaths for New Drive Pools Configured

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si autoadddatapath -si 1

Disable AutoMatically Add DataPaths for New Drive Pools Configured

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si autoadddatapath -si 0

Enable Library Support for Hardware Single Instancing (In Magnetic Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si hardwaresingleinstancing -si 1

Disable Library Support for Hardware Single Instancing (In Magnetic Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si hardwaresingleinstancing -si 0

Set prevent accidental deletion (Mag Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si preventaccidentaldel -si 1

UnSet prevent accidental deletion (Mag Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si preventaccidentaldel -si 0

Enable Fill and SPill mode(Mag and Cloud)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si spillnfill -si 0

Enable Spill and Fill mode/Round Robin mode (Mag and Cloud)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si spillnfill -si 1 -si 1/0(setprefermountpathswithmorefreespace)

Mount Path Allocation Policy(Library Level) - Use max number of writers (Mag and Cloud only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si setwriters -si '-1'

Mount Path Allocation Policy(Library Level) - Use specified number of writers(Mag and Cloud only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si setwriters -si NumberOfWriters

Space ThreshHolds - Low Disk SPace WaterMark (Mag Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si lowWaterMark -si ThreshHoldInPercentage

Space ThreshHolds - Disk FreePercentage Warning WaterMark (MagOnly)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si warningWaterMark -si ThreshHoldInPercentage

Space ThreshHolds - Warning Days (MagOnly)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si daysToRunOutOfSpace -si NumberOfDays

ThreshHolds For Managed Disk SPace -Start and Stop Aging threshholds (Mag Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si StartAndStopAgingThreshHolds -si startAgingThreshHoldInPercentage -si stopAgingThreshHoldInPercentage

ThreshHolds For Managed Disk SPace -Start Aging threshhold (Mag Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si startAging -si ThreshHoldInPercentage

ThreshHolds For Managed Disk SPace -Stop Aging threshhold (Mag Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si stopAging -si ThreshHoldInPercentage

Mark Offline For Maintenance (Tape,StandAlone and PnP libraries)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si MarkLibraryOfflineForMaintenance -si 1

UnMark Offline For Maintenance (Tape,StandAlone and PnP libraries)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si MarkLibraryOfflineForMaintenance -si 0

Mark Media as Appendable (Tape,StandAlone and PnP libraries)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si markMediaAsAppendable -si 1

UnMark Media as Appendable (Tape,StandAlone and PnP libraries)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si markMediaAsAppendable -si 0

Set use appendable media and use within days (Tape,StandAlone and PnP libraries)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si useAppendableMEdia -si 1 -si UseWithinDays

UnSet use appendable media (Tape,StandAlone and PnP libraries)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si useAppendableMEdia -si 0

Enable Start a new Media on Media Export(Tape Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si startNewMediaWhenMediaExported -si 1

Disable Start a new Media on Media Export(Tape Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si startNewMediaWhenMediaExported -si 0

Enable Start a new Media on Media getting Stuck in Drive(Tape Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si startNewMediaOnMediaGettingStuck -si 1

Disable Start a new Media on Media getting Stuck in Drive(Tape Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si startNewMediaOnMediaGettingStuck -si 0

Enable and configure virtual mail slot for export (Tape Only)

Set slot 7 as starting slot and direction up

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si configureVMSE -si 7 -si 'UP'

Set slot 7 as starting slot and direction Down

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si configureVMSE -si 7 -si 'DOWN'

Disable virtual mail slot for export (Tape Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si configureVMSE -si 0

Enable Use media in virtual mail slot for data protection (Tape Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si useVMSforDataProtection -si 1

Disable Use media in virtual mail slot for data protection (Tape Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si useVMSforDataProtection -si 0

Enable Reset container when assigned media re-appears in library (Tape,StandAlone and PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si resetContainerWhenAssignedMediaReAppears -si 1

Disable Reset container when assigned media re-appears in library (Tape,StandAlone and PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si resetContainerWhenAssignedMediaReAppears -si 0

Enable Reset export location when assigned media re-appears in library(Tape,StandAlone and PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si resetExportLocationWhenAssignedMediaReAppears -si 1

Disable Reset export location when assigned media re-appears in library(Tape,StandAlone and PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si resetExportLocationWhenAssignedMediaReAppears -si 0

Enable Mark Library/Drive broken when error threshold exceeded(Tape,StandAlone and PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si MarkLibraryBrokenWhenErrorTHresholdCrossed -si 1

Disable Mark Library/Drive broken when error threshold exceeded(Tape,StandAlone and PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si MarkLibraryBrokenWhenErrorTHresholdCrossed -si 0

Enable Verify access path using Serial Number for Drive(Tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si verifyAccessPathUsingSerialNumber -si 1

Disable Verify access path using Serial Number for Drive(Tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si verifyAccessPathUsingSerialNumber -si 0

Enable Check for cleaning media loaded in Drive(Tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si checkForCleaningMediaInDrive -si 1

Disable Check for cleaning media loaded in Drive(Tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si checkForCleaningMediaInDrive -si 0

Enable Check for Tape Alerts(Tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si CheckForTapeAlerts -si 1

Disable Check for Tape Alerts(Tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si CheckForTapeAlerts -si 0

Enable Set drive as needs cleaning on Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si driveNeedsCleaningOnCRCErrors -si 1

Disable Set drive as needs cleaning on Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si driveNeedsCleaningOnCRCErrors -si 0

Enable Skip unload drive for Autoloaders before unmounting media (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si skipUnloadDriveForAutoLoaders -si 1

Disable Skip unload drive for Autoloaders before unmounting media (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si skipUnloadDriveForAutoLoaders -si 0

Enable Detect and update media type when media is loaded into the drive (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si detectAndUpdateMediaTypeWhenMediaLoaded -si 1

Disable Detect and update media type when media is loaded into the drive (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si detectAndUpdateMediaTypeWhenMediaLoaded -si 0

Enable Auto Drive Replacement when new device is detected during Mount (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoDriveReplacementwhenNewDeviceIsDetected -si 1

Disable Auto Drive Replacement when new device is detected during Mount (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoDriveReplacementwhenNewDeviceIsDetected -si 0

Do not use SCSI-2/3 Reserve for contention resolution (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si SCSIReservaionType -si 0

Use SCSI-2 Reserve for contention resolution (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si SCSIReservaionType -si SCSI-2

Use SCSI-3 Reserve for contention resolution (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si SCSIReservaionType -si SCSI-3

Enable Auto-Cleaning: On sense code (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoCleaningOnSenseCode -si 1

Disable Auto-Cleaning: On sense code (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoCleaningOnSenseCode -si 0

Enable Auto-Cleaning: Cleaning thresholds exceed (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoCleaningOnThreshholdOverflow -si 1

Disable Auto-Cleaning: Cleaning thresholds exceed (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoCleaningOnThreshholdOverflow -si 0

Enable Auto Cleaning - Wait N day(s) after last cleaning (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoCleaningWaitingDays -si numberOfDays

Disable Auto Cleaning - Wait N day(s) after last cleaning (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoCleaningWaitingDays -si 0

Enable Continue using drive even if need cleaning during restore (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si continueUseEvenIfCleaningNeededDuringRestore -si 1

Disable Continue using drive even if need cleaning during restore (tape,StandAlone and pnp )

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si continueUseEvenIfCleaningNeededDuringRestore -si 0

Enable Overwite media when content verification fails (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si OverWriteMediaOnContentVerificationFail -si 1

Disable Overwite media when content verification fails (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si OverWriteMediaOnContentVerificationFail -si 0

Enable Prevent use of tapes from a different backup vendor (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si preventDifferentVendorMediaUsage -si 1

Disable Prevent use of tapes from a different backup vendor (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si preventDifferentVendorMediaUsage -si 0

Enable Overwite media when it is from different CommCell (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si OverWriteMediaFromDifferentCommCell -si 1

Disable Overwite media when it is from different CommCell (tape,StandAlone and pnp)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si OverWriteMediaFromDifferentCommCell -si 0

Enable Auto-Discovery of media into default scratch pool / auto stamp media drive (tape, PnP and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoDiscoveryInDefaultScratchPool -si 1

Disable Auto-Discovery of media into default scratch pool / auto stamp media drive (tape, PnP and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoDiscoveryInDefaultScratchPool -si 0

Enable Auto-Recovery when media is stuck in drive(tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoRecoveryWhenMediaIsStuck -si 1

Disable Enable Auto-Recovery when media is stuck in drive(tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoRecoveryWhenMediaIsStuck -si 0

Enable Attempt to remove media from the drive when unload fails(tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si RemoveMediaWhenDriveUnloadFail -si 1

Disable Attempt to remove media from the drive when unload fails(tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si RemoveMediaWhenDriveUnloadFail -si 0

Unmount Media after N Minutes of inactivity (Tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si UnmountAfterPeriod -si timeInMinutes

Unmount Media after N Hours of inactivity (Tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si UnmountAfterPeriod -si timeInHours -si 'Hours'

Enable Unmount Media (StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si unMountMedia -si 1

Disable Unmount Media (StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si unMountMedia -si 0

Enable Automatically update barcodes on firmware changes(tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoUpdateBarcodesOnFirmwareCHanges -si 1

Disable Automatically update barcodes on firmware changes(tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si AutoUpdateBarcodesOnFirmwareCHanges -si 0

Enable Retry read operations on SCSI errors(tape, PnP and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si RetryReadOnSCSIErrors -si 1

Disable Retry read operations on SCSI errors(tape, PnP and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si RetryReadOnSCSIErrors -si 0

Retry read operations on SCSI errors every N Minutes (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ReadRetryIntervalonSCSIErrors -si Minutes

Set Attempts to Retry read operations on SCSI errors (tape and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ReadRetryAttemptsonSCSIErrors -si numAttempts

Enable Show Media related pop-up messages on CommCell Console (Pnp and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ShowPopUpsonCommCellConsole -si 1

Disable Show Media related pop-up messages on CommCell Console (Pnp and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ShowPopUpsonCommCellConsole -si 0

Enable Automatically use spare media from different scratch pool if found in drive (Pnp and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si enableUseOfDifferentScratchMedia -si 1

Disable Automatically use spare media from different scratch pool if found in drive (Pnp and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si enableUseOfDifferentScratchMedia -si 0

Disable Check for media change in drive every N minute(s) (Pnp and StandALone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si MediaChangeCheckInterval -si 0

Enable and Set interval (in Minutes) to check for media change in drive every N minute(s) (Pnp And StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si MediaChangeCheckInterval -si InterValInMinutes

Disable Overwrite Media in Drive if Media Not Written to in N Days/Hours (PnP and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si overwriteMediaNotWrittenInDays_Hours -si 0

Enable Overwrite Media in Drive if Media Not Written to in N Days/Hours (PnP and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si overwriteMediaNotWrittenInDays_Hours -si 1

Hours after Media in the Drive is OverWritten(PnP and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si OverwriteAfter -si periodInHours

Days after which Media in the Drive is OverWritten(PnP and StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si OverwriteAfter -si periodInDays -si 'Days'

Disable :Only use PnP disk when it is blank (PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si UsePnPWhenBlank -si 0

Enable :Only use PnP disk when it is blank (PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si UsePnPWhenBlank -si 1

Disable "Use disk only when the size is greater than N MB" (PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si MinimumUsableSize -si '-1'

Minimum size of the Disk Required if It is to be used (PnP)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si MinimumUsableSize -si sizeInMegaBytes

Disable :Submit full scan on library when finding an empty barcode during drive unmounts (Tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si SubmitFullScanOnFindingEmptyBarcodes -si 0

Enable :Submit full scan on library when finding an empty barcode during drive unmounts (Tape)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si SubmitFullScanOnFindingEmptyBarcodes -si 1

Set Configuration Params (Tape Only)

Prevent physical inventory of the library(0 to disable 1 to enable)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ConfigParams -si (0 or 1) -si PreventPhysicalInventory

Do Periodic mail slot check for any change in status(0 to disable 1 to enable)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ConfigParams -si (0 or 1) -si PeriodicMailSlotCheckForStatusChange

Prevent Auto Import of Media from mail slot(0 to disable 1 to enable)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ConfigParams -si (0 or 1) -si PreventAutoImportOfMediaFromMailSlot

Allow Medium Removal from mail slot(0 to disable 1 to enable)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ConfigParams -si (0 or 1) -si AllowMediumRemovalFromMailSlot

Do not import media from I/E port back to the slots(0 to disable 1 to enable)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ConfigParams -si (0 or 1) -si PreventImportMediaFromIEPortToSlots

Library Status Check Interval in seconds

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si ConfigParams -si (intervalInSeconds) -si LibraryStatusCheckInterval

Disable :Unload media in StandAlone Drive when different media is required (StandAlone Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si UnloadMediaInStandAloneWhenDifferentMediaRequired -si 0

Enable :Unload media in StandAlone Drive when different media is required (StandAlone Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si UnloadMediaInStandAloneWhenDifferentMediaRequired -si 1

Disable :Do not attempt to load ejected media(StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si DonotLoadEjectedMedia -si 0

Enable :Do not attempt to load ejected media(StandAlone)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si DonotLoadEjectedMedia -si 1

Enable : Disable library for new data when free space reaches low watermark(Magnetic Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si DisableForWriteAtLowWatermark -si 1

Disable : Disable library for new data when free space reaches low watermark(Magnetic Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si DisableForWriteAtLowWatermark -si 0

Enable : Enable library immutable option on the library so that no micro pruning is sent(Dedupe Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si EnableLibImmutable -si 1

Disable : Disable library immutable option on the library so that no micro pruning is sent(Dedupe Only)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si EnableLibImmutable -si 0

Enable : Enable library single pruner MA option on the library so that all pruning operations are done from single MA only (for disk)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si EnableSinglePrunerMA -si 1 -si MAName

Disable : Disable library single pruner MA option on the library (for disk)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si EnableSinglePrunerMA -si 0

Enable : Enable no pruning on library (for magnetic disk / cloud). No physical pruning will be sent to the MA.

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si EnableNoPruning -si 1

Disable : Disable no pruning on library (for magnetic disk / cloud)

qoperation execscript -sn setLibraryProperty -si LibName -si EnableNoPruning -si 0


  • Scope: All
  • Platform: CommServe (Database: CommServ)
  • Release: 11.0.0

Disclaimer of Warranties

CommVault provides software tools and utilities on an "as is" basis, as a courtesy and convenience to its users, and they may be changed from time to time without notice. These tools and utilities are provided without express, implied, or statutory warranties of any kind. You assume full risk and responsibility for the selection, possession, performance and proper installation and use of the software tools and utilities, and for verifying the results obtained there from. Your use of CommVault software tools and utilities indicates your unconditional acceptance of the above disclaimer.

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