File System Backup and Restore Workflow


Applies to: Windows File System and UNIX File System Client Computers

The FSRestoreValidation workflow allows you to restore a few random files based on file size and file count.

This workflow can be manually executed from the CommCell Console. It is useful when you want to restore a specific number of files of a particular size for a client in the CommCell Console.

How Does It Work?

This workflow automates the following operations:

  • Restores a number of files of a specific size to a different client (also known as out-of-place restore).

  • When the restore operations are successful, the workflow sends an email to the user that executed the workflow.

    If the restore operation fails, it sends a message to the Job Controller indicating the job ID of the operation.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Workflows.

  2. Right-click FSRestoreValidation and then click All Tasks > Execute.

  3. Select the workflow engine from the Run workflow on list and click OK.

  4. Enter the value of the following variables in the Value column:

    • For the Source Client input, select the client where you backed up the data.

    • For the Backupset input, select the backup set containing the subclient.

    • For the Subclient input, select the subclient that contains the data to be backed up.

    • For the Restore Client input, select the client where you want to restore the backed up data.

    • For the Restore Path input, enter the location where you want to restore the data on the destination computer.

    • For the File Size Less Than input, enter the minimum file size limit in kilobytes.

    • For the Email ID input, enter the Email ID where the restored file report is sent to.

    • For the Random File Count input, enter the number of files with the specified minimum file size limit to be restored .

  5. Click Finish.

    You can track the progress of the workflow job from the Job Controller. You will see a job for each activity in the workflow, for example, backup, restore.

    If there are no files available for the criteria you specified, you receive the following error message:

    There are no files to restore for selected criteria.

  6. Once you receive an email indicating that the workflow was successful, verify that the backed up files and folders are available in the restore destination.

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