Troubleshooting End-User Recovery Options


OWA is attempting to recall from a server that does not have Exchange Web Service (EWS)


Recalls from OWA are failing when the user is trying to accesses OWA through server A from which the Exchange Web Service (EWS) is blocked. However, the EWS is accessible from server B.


By default OWA recall uses the same host server as that of Exchange Web Service (EWS). In case the user has the EWS configured on another server, they would require an alternate EWS host server name to complete the recall process.

This can be done by placing the CVOWA:NameResolution key in the web.config file located in Exchange_Install_Path\ClientAccess\OWA.

<add key="CVOWA:NameResolution" value="Excforrecall" />

Value- Is the EWS host server name.

Cannot access OWA server when recalling from message stubs


The end user cannot access the OWA server through the Web because there might be a proxy or a load balance OWA server available through which the recall request are being routed to the mail OWA server.


Place the CVOWA:CASProxyExternalUrl key in the web.config file located in Exchange_Install_Path\ClientAccess\OWA. This key allows the end user to access OWA server available behind a proxy or a load balance OWA server.

<add key ="CVOWA:CASProxyExternalUrl" value ="" />

Value - The name of the proxy or the load balancing server. For example there is a load balance server named “” available in front of OWA servers. The end-user access OWA through the URL In this case the value of this key should be set to

Enable troubleshooting logging for OWA recalls


You cannot view the OWA recall logs from 'CvDiagnostics.


Place the CVOWA:EventLog key in the web.config file located in <Exchange_Install_Path>\ClientAccess\OWA. If this key is enabled, the OWA recall logs will be written to 'CvDiagnostics' event entry.

<add key ="CVOWA:EventLog" value="true"/>

Exchange Web Service (EWS) is not configured as an SSL site for the end user


By default, OWA recalls communicate with EWS with SSL HTTP protocol. If EWS is not configured as an SSL site, the end user cannot perform recalls from OWA.


Place CVOWA:UseNonSSLForEws key in the web.config file located in <Exchange_Install_Path>\ClientAccess\OWA.

<add key="CVOWA:UseNonSSLForEws"/>

OWA does not stub icons for fresh installs


For OWA, if you upgrade from a previous version, the stubs icons are displayed, but for fresh installs the stub icons are not displayed.


To enable the display of tub icons for fresh OWA installs, perform this task on each CAS server.

  1. Locate <OWA Install Path>\forms\customization.

  2. Open the file UIExtensions.xml with Notepad.

  3. Locate the section <SmallIconMappings> in the file and add the following:

    <SmallIconMappings> <Mapping ItemClass="ipm.note.commvault.galaxy.stub" SmallIcon="form-cvstub.gif" Alt="ReadMessage" /> </SmallIconMappings>
  4. Restart the IIS server.

Upgrade is failing


You cannot upgrade Outlook Add-In from the DVD and from the CommCell Console.


If Outlook Add-In was previously installed with other packages, it must be removed prior to upgrading the other packages as upgrade for Outlook Add-In from the DVD and from the CommCell Console is not supported.

Cannot open the ContentStore node


After installing the Outlook Add-In, the user cannot open the ContentStore node in Microsoft Outlook because the Windows Authentication role is not enabled on the proxy server.

  1. Enable the Windows Authentication role on the proxy server, and then restart IIS on the proxy server.

  2. Restart Microsoft Outlook where ContentStore is installed.


The Web Console URL is not set in client properties before running an Exchange backup.

  1. Set the Web Console URL in client properties.

  2. Run another Exchange backup.

Restore ContentStore node in Microsoft Outlook


ContentStore was inadvertently removed from Microsoft Outlook by right-clicking on the ContentStore node and selecting the Close "ContentStore" option.


The ContentStore node must be reinstalled.

  1. Make sure that Microsoft Outlook is closed and not running.

  2. On the computer where ContentStore was removed, navigate to the <installation path>\CVArchiverAddin folder.

  3. Double-click UpdateCVProfile.exe.

  4. Open Microsoft Outlook and log in to ContentStore.

    The ContentStore node appears in the Microsoft Outlook window.

Emails do not appear in ContentStore Email Viewer


Content indexed emails are not appearing in folders within the ContentStore Email Viewer when Microsoft Outlook is opened. There are several possible solutions for this scenario, depending on the cause.

Solution 1

Check to ensure that the emails you expect to appear in ContentStore have been content indexed successfully. If not, run another content indexing job for the email data, and wait approximately 15 minutes for the emails to appear in ContentStore.

Solution 2

Check to ensure that the Web Server, Proxy Server, and Web Console are running and reachable from the client machine.

Solution 3

Check to ensure that the Web Console URL is set in client properties from the CommCell Console.

Solution 4

Check to ensure that the Windows Authentication role is added on the proxy server.

Solution 5

Check to ensure that the ContentStore user is included in a user group with the End User capability assigned through the CommCell Console.

Solution 6

If trying to access ContentStore over the internet, check to ensure that the proxy server is reachable over the internet.

Cannot recall embedded messages and attachments when forwarding emails in the ContentStore


When emails that contain embedded messages or attachments are forwarded from the ContentStore Email Viewer, the original message cannot be recalled.


Check that CVArchiverAddin is currently active within Microsoft Outlook.

  1. From Microsoft Outlook, click the File tab, and then click Options.

  2. From the menu options in the left navigation pane, click Add-Ins.

    Check that CVArchiverAddin is under the list of Active Application Add-ins.

  3. If CVArchiverAddin is located under the list of Inactive or Disabled Application Add-ins, reactivate the add-in.

Error message "Internet Explorer was unable to open this site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."


The end user might encounter the above mentioned error message while downloading/previewing messages from Outlook Add-In.


This issue occurs if the server sends a "Cache-control:no-store" header or sends a "Cache-control:no-cache" header.


To resolve this issue, follow the instructions in the Microsoft Support article "Internet Explorer file downloads over SSL do not work with the cache control headers" under the section Resolution | Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8.

Outlook Add-In functions in Microsoft Outlook do not respond with the error: Add-In Problem: A problem was detected with an Add-in and it has been disabled.

Applies to: Microsoft Outlook 2013 or later


Outlook Add-In functions might not respond as expected when the end user attempts to use them from within Microsoft Outlook, and the following error message appears:

Add-In Problem: A problem was detected with an Add-in and it has been disabled.

If Microsoft Outlook determines that the Outlook Add-In takes too long to load, Outlook Add-in is disabled and remains disabled whenever Microsoft Outlook is opened.


You must enable the Outlook Add-In manually.

Method 1:
  1. Log on to the end-user computer.

  2. In Windows on the client computer, click Start, and then type regedit in the Search programs and files box.

  3. Press Enter.

  4. In the Registry Editor, expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\outlook\Resiliency\addinlist.

  5. Add the registry key CVArchiverAddin.

  6. Set the String Value to 1.

  7. Close the Registry Editor.

Method 2:
  1. Open Microsoft Outlook.

  2. Click View Disabled Add-ins on the error message.

  3. On the Disabled Add-ins dialog box, click the Always enable this add-in option.

Outlook Add-In fails to open


Outlook Add-In might fail to open if end users have an outdated version of Visual Studio Tools for Office version installed on their computers.


Follow the solutions described in the Microsoft Support article "Resolves issues for Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime 4.0".