Creating Storage Policies Using XML Files


Storage policies act as channel for backup and restore operations. Its chief function is to map data from its original location to a physical media. After creating a storage policy you can configure it. The following sections describe using xml files for creating a storage policy and configuring various properties of a storage policy.

Log On to the CommServe

To run command line operations, you must first login to the CommServe.

From the Command prompt, navigate to <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base and run the following command:

qlogin -cs <commserve name> -u <user name>

For example, to log on to CommServe 'server1' with username 'user1':

qlogin -cs server1 -u user1

Run Command Line Operations

To run the command line operations, you can download the .xml file, update the relevant XML parameters and then execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder.

qoperation execute −af <downloaded location>\template.xml

For example, to execute an xml file, template.xml located at 'c:\program files\software\base:

qoperation execute −af c:\program files\software\base\template.xml

Log Off from the CommServe

Once you have completed the command line operations, you can logout from the CommServe using the following command:

qlogout -cs commserve

For example, to log out from the CommServe 'Server1'.

qlogout -cs Server1

Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration

The following table displays all the parameters you can use with the commands. To add a parameter to your command, use the following syntax: (An example is provided at the end of the table.)

qoperation execute -af <template XML File> -<parameter name> <value>



Parent Element


Global storage policy that you use to create a global deduplication enabled storage policy.



Name of the storage policy copy to be created.



Name of the storage policy to be created.



Description of the storage policy.



The number of streams available to perform backup or restore operations for all the subclients which use the storage policy.



Name of the storage policy which you want to use for all incremental backups.



Name of the global deduplication policy.



To enable hardware compression, set the value to 1. By default, it is disabled.



The block size to be used for block level deduplication. This parameter is only applicable for block level deduplication. The minimum block size is 32KB, and the maximum block size is 512KB. The default block size is set to 128KB.



Enables data encryption options on the storage policy copy.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



The cipher to use for data encryption.

Valid values are:

  • DES3

  • AES

  • Blowfish

  • GOST

  • Serpent

  • TwoFish



The key length to use with the cipher in the CipherType parameter.

Valid values for:

  • 3-DES cipher

    • 192
  • AES (Rijndael), GOST, Blowfish, Serpent, and TwoFish ciphers

    • 128

    • 256



To enable direct media access via media password option.

1 (enable), 0 (disable), and 2 (to use the existing setting).



Re-encrypts data using selected cipher.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



Automatically adds the alternate data paths for a shared library.



To create a global deduplication policy.



Option to create a storage policy with primary snap copy. If you want to perform the SnapVault or SnapMirror operations using NetApp files, you must create a storage policy with primary snap copy.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



Name of the default library used by storage policy.

You must use drivePoolName and the spareMediaGroupName parameters when creating storage policies for Plug and Play libraries.



Name of the MediaAgent that is used to create storage policy.



Drive pool name of a tape library for storage policy.



Scratch pool name of a tape library for storage policy.



Number of days to retain the Archiver data of the primary copy.

For infinite retention specify -1.



Number of backup cycles to retain the data of the primary copy

For infinite retention specify -1.



Number of backup days to retain the data of the primary copy

For infinite retention specify -1.



Number of jobs that needs to be retained for for Snap Vault or Snap Mirror copies.



Job based retention criteria for Snap Vault or Snap Mirror copies.



To enable the deduplication on a storage policy.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



To enable Source-Side deduplication on a storage policy.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



To enable DASH Full (Accelerated Synthetic Full backups) for a storage policy.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



To recover the deduplication database (DDB) when the current DDB is unavailable.



To recover DDB automatically using DDB backup.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).



Enable to use global deduplication database for a storage policy.



Enable to host the global deduplication database.



Name of the MediaAgent where deduplication database is located.



Deduplication Database Location on a MediaAgent



Name of the OnCommand Unified Manager Server.

If you want to perform the SnapVault or SnapMirror operations using NetApp files, you must create a storage policy associated with a OnCommand Unified Manager.



Option to export the properties of a storage policy copy as an XML file.

Valid values are: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).


Directory location to export the XML file with the storage policy properties. You can also specify the file name along with the directory location. If you do not specify the file name, an XML file with the name CreateSP_<SPName>_Prop.xml will be created in the given location.


See Also: Available Elements for Modifying Data Encryption Properties

Creating a Storage Policy

Storage Policy creation using xml is defined under the root tag App_CreateStoragePolicyReq. Information about the retention settings, library name and MediaAgent name is specified under the storagePolicyCopyInfo tag. Nested under the storagePolicyCopyInfo tag is the retentionRules tag which defines the basic retention rules.

  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration.

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxxxx -libraryName xxxxx -mediaAgentName xxxxx -retainArchiverDataForDays xx -retainBackupDataForCycles xx -retainBackupDataForDays xx -numberOfStreams xx


    To create a storage policy with name “SP1”, Library name “Lib1”, MediaAgent Name “MA1”, and infinite retention period.

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -libraryName Lib1 -mediaAgentName MA1

    To create a storage policy with name “SP2”, Library name “Lib2”, MediaAgent Name “MA2” and retain archiver data in the primary copy for 5 days, retain backup data in the primary copy 5 days and 10 cycles.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP2 -libraryName Lib2 -mediaAgentName MA2 -retainArchiverDataForDays 5 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 5

    To create a storage policy with name “SP2”, Library name “Lib2”, MediaAgent Name “MA2” and specify the data retention time for a specific job.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP2 -libraryName Lib2 -mediaAgentName MA2 -retainArchiverDataForDays 5 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 5

    To create a storage policy with two data paths:

    • To create a storage policy with name “SP2”, MediaAgent with name “MA1” and “MA2”, disk library with name “DiskLib2”.

      qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP2 -libraryName DiskLib2 -mediaAgentName MA1 -retainArchiverDataForDays 5 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 10 -numberOfStreams 15 -dataPathProperties/operationFlags/addDataPath true -dataPathProperties/library/libraryName DiskLib2 -dataPathProperties/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName MA2
    • To create a storage policy with name “SP2”, MediaAgent with name “MA1” and “MA2”, tape library with name “TapeLib2”, drive pool with name “Drivepool1” and “Drivepool2”, spare media group with name “Sparemedia1”, scratch pool with name “Scratchpool1”.

      qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP2 -libraryName TapeLib2 -mediaAgentName MA1 -drivePoolName Drivepool1 -spareMediaGroupName Sparemedia1 -retainArchiverDataForDays 5 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 10 -numberOfStreams 15 -dataPathProperties/operationFlags/addDataPath true -dataPathProperties/library/libraryName TapeLib2 -dataPathProperties/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName MA2 -dataPathProperties/drivePool/drivePoolName Drivepool2 -dataPathProperties/scratchPool/scratchPoolName Scratchpool1

Creating Deduplication Enabled Storage Policy

To create a storage policy by enabling deduplication using single deduplication database (DDB) the xml tags nested within the storagePolicyCopyInfo tag are retentionRules, commonPdconfig, maInfoList and subStoreList.

  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration.

  3. Execute the following command from the <software_installation_directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxxxx -libraryName xxxxx -mediaAgentName xxxxx -retainArchiverDataForDays xx -retainBackupDataForCycles xx -retainBackupDataForDays xx -maInfoList/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName xxxxx -path xxxxx -sidbBlockSizeKB xxx -enableDASHFull 1 -enableDeduplication 1


    To create a storage policy SP2 with Library Lib1, MediaAgent MA1, the SIDB store located on MA2, SIDB path “c:\SIDB”, and SIDB block size 512KB.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP2 -libraryName Lib1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -retainArchiverDataForDays 5 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 5 -maInfoList/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName MA2 -path c:\SIDB -sidbBlockSizeKB 512 -enableDASHFull 1 -enableDeduplication 1

Enabling an Incremental Storage Policy

You can create a standard storage policy for all the Full backups and an incremental storage policy for incremental and differential backups.

  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration.

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxxx -incrementalStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName xxxx -mediaAgentName xxxx -libraryName xxxx -retainArchiverDataForDays xx -retainBackupDataForCycles xx -retainBackupDataForDays xx


    To create storage policy with name "SP_Incremental" and use "SP1" storage policy as an incremental storage policy.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP_Incremental -incrementalStoragePolicy/storagePolicyName SP1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -libraryName Lib1 -retainArchiverDataForDays 5 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 5

    All the incremental backups are directed through the SP1 storage policy.

Creating a Global Deduplication Policy

You can create a global deduplication policy to deduplicate data from multiple storage policies against each other. When a global deduplication policy is created, a storage policy associated with it is also created with the Policy as name suffix.

  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration.

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxxxx -libraryName xxxxx -mediaAgentName xxxxx -maInfoList/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName xxxxx -path xxxxx -enableGlobalDeduplication 1 -hostGlobalDedupStore 1 -enableDASHFull 1 -enableDeduplication 1

    For example, to create a global deduplication storage policy with name SP_GDSP, Library Lib1, MediaAgent MA1, the SIDB store located on MA2, and SIDB path “c:\SIDB”, execute following command:

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP_GDSP -libraryName Lib1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -maInfoList/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName MA2 -path c:\SIDB -enableGlobalDeduplication 1 -hostGlobalDedupStore 1 -enableDASHFull 1 -enableDeduplication 1

    You can use the SP_GDSP to enable global deduplication for any storage policy created in the CommCell.

Creating a Global Deduplication Enabled Storage Policy

Once you create a global deduplication policy, you can use it to enable global deduplication for any storage policy.

  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration.

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxxx -useglobalpolicy/storagePolicyName xxxx -enableDeduplication 1 -useGlobalDedupStore 1 -enableDASHFull 1

    For example, to create a global deduplication enabled storage policy, with name SP1, that is using SP_GDSP as a global deduplication policy, execute following command:

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -useglobalpolicy/storagePolicyName SP_GDSP -enableDeduplication 1 -useGlobalDedupStore 1 -enableDASHFull 1
Creating a Global Non-Deduplication Enabled Storage Policy

Once you create a global non-deduplication policy, you can use it to enable global non-deduplication for any storage policy.

  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration.

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory**/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\sp_copycreation.xml -storagePolicyName 'xxxxx' useGlobalStoragePolicy 1 -useGlobalPolicy/storagePolicyName "xxxxx" -retainArchiverDataForDays xx -retainBackupDataForCycles xx -retainBackupDataForDays xx -copyName 'xxxxx'

    For example, to create a global non-deduplication enabled storage policy, with name SP1, that is using SP_GDSP as a global non-deduplication policy, execute following command:

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\sp_copycreation.xml -storagePolicyName 'SP1' -useGlobalStoragePolicy 1 -useGlobalPolicy/storagePolicyName "SP_GNDSP"

Creating Storage Policy Associated with a OnCommand Unified Manager

If you want to perform the snap vault or snap mirror operations using NetApp filers, you must create a storage policy associated with a OnCommand Unified Manager.

  1. Download the SP_creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Before running the command, review the Available Parameters for Storage Policy Configuration.

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxxx -libraryName xxxxx -mediaAgentName xxxxx -enableSnapshot 1 -dfmServer/name xxx

    For example, to create a storage policy with name SP1 that is associated with a OnCommand Unified Manager server1, execute following command:

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP_GDSP -libraryName Lib1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -enableSnapshot 1 -dfmServer/name server1

Creating Storage Policy with Partitioned DDB

A Partitioned Deduplication Database (DDB) can improve the scalability of the database by splitting the database on different disks and/or MediaAgents.

  1. Download the SP_MultipleDDb_Creation.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Edit the template and specify the deduplication database locations on different disks or MediaAgents.

    For example, to create a SIDB on MA1 and MA2, edit following elements in the XML template:

    <DDBPartitionInfo> <maInfoList> <MediaAgent> <mediaAgentName>MA1</mediaAgentName> </mediaAgent> <subStoreList> <accessPath> <path>PATH1</path> </accessPath> </subStoreList> </maInfoList> <maInfoList> <MediaAgent> <mediaAgentName>MA2</mediaAgentName> </mediaAgent> <subStoreList> <accessPath> <path>PATH2</path> </accessPath> </subStoreList> </maInfoList> </DDBPartitionInfo>

  3. Execute the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base folder:

    qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_MultipleDDb_Creation.xml -storagePolicyName xxx -libraryName xxx -mediaAgentName xxx -retainArchiverDataForDays xx -retainBackupDataForCycles xx -retainBackupDataForDays xx  -enableDeduplication 1


The following example shows how to add a parameter for a command and creation of storage policy that uses:

DASH Full (Accelerated Synthetic Full backups)

qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -libraryName Lib1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -maInfoList/mediaAgent/mediaAgentName MA2 -path c:\SIDB -enableDASHFull 1 -enableDeduplication 1

10 backup cycles to retain the data of the primary copy

qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -libraryName Lib1 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 5

5 backup days to retain the data of the primary copy

qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -libraryName Lib1 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 5

5 backup days to retain the archive data of the primary copy

qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -libraryName Lib1 - retainArchiverDataForDays 5 -retainBackupDataForCycles 10 -retainBackupDataForDays 5

15 streams for backup and restore operations

qoperation execute -af<download location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -libraryName Lib1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -numberofstreams 15

hardware compression for a primary copy

qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -libraryName Lib1 -hardWareCompression 1

job based retention on a primary copy

qoperation execute -af <downloaded location>\SP_creation.xml -storagePolicyName SP1 -mediaAgentName MA1 -libraryName Lib1 -jobBasedRetention 1
