Add an Instance and a Cloud Account for Google Cloud Spanner


Add an instance and a cloud account for Google Cloud Spanner.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The Instances page appears.

  2. Click Add instance, and then select Cloud database service.

    The Vendor page appears.

  3. Select Google Cloud Platform and then click NEXT.

    The Select A Database Service page appears.

  4. Select Cloud spanner, and then click NEXT.

    The Select A Plan page appears.

  5. From the list of plans, select a plan, and then click NEXT.

    The Cloud Account page appears.

  6. From the Cloud account list, select an existing cloud account or create a new cloud account.

    The cloud account is represented in Commvault as a hypervisor. For instructions to create a Google Cloud Platform hypervisor, see Configuring Backups for Google Cloud Platform Instances.

  7. Click NEXT.

    The Instance Details page appears.

  8. From the Instance name list, select an instance.

  9. Select Automatically select staging path if you want an optimal Google Cloud Spanner bucket to be created and used for backup and recovery.

  10. Click NEXT.

    The Backup Content page appears.

  11. In the Backup Content box, click Edit.

    The Browse backup content dialog box appears.

  12. Select the content to be backed up, and then click Save.

  13. Click NEXT.

    The Summary page appears.

  14. Click FINISH.


The instance contains a default database group. You cannot delete the default database group.

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