You can specify advanced backup startup options for attempting to restart a job. For more information, select one of the following:
Enable Total Running Time
The maximum elapsed time, in hours and minutes, from the time that the job is created. When the specified maximum elapsed time is reached, as long as the job is in the "Running" state, it will continue; if the job is not in the "Running" state when the specified time is reached, Job Manager will kill the job.
Enable Number of Retries
The number of times that Job Manager will attempt to restart the job. Once the maximum number of retry attempts has been reached, if the job has still not restarted successfully, Job Manager will kill the job. Note that this job-based setting will not be valid if restartability has been turned off in the Job Management Control Panel.
Kill Running Jobs When Total Running Time Expires
Option to kill the job when the specified Total Running Time has elapsed, even if its state is "Running". This option is available only if you have specified a Total Running Time.
Number of resubmits on job failure
The number of times the Job Manager can automatically resubmit a failed backup job. When the job fails, the Job Manager resubmits the job with a new Job ID. When the resubmit attempts exceed the specified number, and if the job still fails, the Job Manager will stop resubmitting the job automatically.