This operation returns the details associated with an alert.
GET <webservice>/AlertRule/{alertId} HTTP/1.1
Host: <host name>
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Parameters
Name |
Description |
Required |
alertId |
The alert ID for the alert. If the alert ID is not known, use the GET Alert API to retrieve it. |
Yes |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
alertSeverity |
The alert severity. Valid values are:
alertDetail |
customQueryDetailsXml |
alertDetail |
escalationSeverity |
alertDetail |
eventCriteriaXML |
alertDetail |
periodicNotificationInterval |
alertDetail |
xmlEntityList |
The entities selected for the alert. Examples
alertDetail |
The globally unique identifier for the alert. |
alert |
createdTime |
alert |
description |
The alert description. |
alert |
escNotifType |
The option to escalate the notification criteria. Valid values are:
alert |
notifType |
The notification type for the alert. If multiple notification types exist, the sum of the notification types is returned. For example, the parameter to deliver alerts through email and through the console is val = "8193". Valid values are:
alert |
origCCId |
alert |
status |
The status for the alert. If multiple status types are needed, then the sum of individual status values are used. For example, a status value of 2193 means the alert is disabled (1), has the option to send individual notifications selected (16), and is a system created alert (2048). Valid individual status values are:
alert |
id |
The system-generated ID assigned to the alert. |
alert |
name |
The name of the alert. |
alert |
id |
The ID assigned to the alert category. Valid values are:
alertCategory |
name |
The name of the alert category. |
alertCategory |
id |
The ID assigned to the alert type. Valid values are:
alertType |
name |
The name of the alert type. |
alertType |
id |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user who created the alert. |
creator |
name |
The name of the user who created the alert. |
creator |
criteriaId |
The alert criteria. Valid values are:
criteria |
delayTimeSeconds |
criteria |
esclationLevel |
criteria |
persistTimeSeconds |
criteria |
reportId |
criteria |
reportingOptions |
The option to set notification criteria. Valid values are:
criteria |
taskId |
criteria |
value |
criteria |
paramIndex |
criteriaParams |
type |
criteriaParams |
unit |
criteriaParams |
value |
criteriaParams |
localeID |
locale |
esclationLevel |
notifMsgs |
localeId |
notifMsgs |
messageFormat |
The format of the alert notification message. Valid values are:
notifMsgs |
notifMessage |
The body of the alert notification message as text. Example: "Detected Criteria: <DETECTED CRITERIA> , Status: <STATUS> , Job ID: <JOB ID> , Storage Policy Name: <SP NAME> , Start Time: <START TIME> , Scheduled Time: <SCHEDULE TIME> , End Time: <END TIME> , Error Code: <ERR CODE> , Failure Reason: <FAILURE REASON>" |
notifMsgs |
notifMessageHtml |
The body of the alert notification message as html. |
notifMsgs |
notifOptions |
notifMsgs |
notifType |
The notification type for the alert notification message. Valid values are:
notifMsgs |
_type_ |
entity |
clientSidePackage |
entity |
consumeLicense |
entity |
type |
entity |
baseLocation |
The base location of the RSS feed, for example: This parameter is populated when the notifType parameter equals 1024 (RSS feeds). |
feeds |
rssFeedLocation |
feeds |
selectedChannel |
The channel selected for the feed. The possible channels are in val parameters in <channelNames> elements. This parameter is populated when the notifType parameter equals 1024 (RSS feeds). |
feeds |
seperateIndex |
feeds |
val |
The possible channels for the feed. The channel selected for the alert notification message feed is in the selectedChannel parameter. |
channelNames |
alertLocation |
The location where the alert is stored, for example: C:\documents\alerts. This parameter is populated when the notifType parameter equals 512 (save to disk). |
saveAlertToDisk |
cvpassword |
saveAlertToDisk |
impersonateUser |
The option to impersonate a user. If this option is used, the notifType parameter must equal 512 (save to disk). Valid values are 0/1. |
saveAlertToDisk |
loginName |
If impersonateUser equals 1, this is the user name used to access the network path. |
saveAlertToDisk |
password |
If impersonateUser equals 1, this is the user password used to access the network path. |
saveAlertToDisk |
useNetworkShare |
The option to use a network share as the location where the alert is stored. If this option is used, the notifType parameter must equal 512 (save to disk). Valid values are 0/1. |
saveAlertToDisk |
Sample Request
GET <webservice>/AlertRule/20 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<CVGui_AlertDetailResp> <alertDetail alertSeverity="0" customQueryDetailsXml="" escalationSeverity="0" eventCriteriaXML="" periodicNotificationInterval="0" xmlEntityList="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><CVGui_CommCellTreeNode><clientGroups includeAll="0"/><clients includeAll="0"/><commcells includeAll="0"/><criterias includeAll="0"/><libraries includeAll="0"/><mediaAgents includeAll="0"/><storagePolcies includeAll="0"/><trackingJobs/><trackingPolicies includeAll="0"/><trackingSchedules/><workflows includeAll="0"/></CVGui_CommCellTreeNode>"> <alert GUID="C79C2698-348F-4EE1-9B1F-C3B09E929CF7" createdTime="0" description="" escNotifType="0" notifType="131073" origCCId="2" status="144"> <alert id="20" name="No backup for last 4 days"/> <alertCategory id="1" name="Job Management"/> <alertType id="3" name="Data Protection"/> <creator id="0" name=""/> </alert> <criteria criteriaId="65" delayTimeSeconds="0" esclationLevel="1" persistTimeSeconds="0" reportId="0" reportingOptions="1" taskId="0" value=""> <criteriaParams paramIndex="0" type="2" unit="5" value="4"/> </criteria> <locale localeID="0"/><notifMsgs esclationLevel="1" localeId="0" messageFormat="1" notifMessage="<SUBJECT BEGIN> Alert: <ALERT NAME> Type: <ALERT CATEGORY - ALERT TYPE> <IS ESCALATED?> <SUBJECT END>MsgNewLine_MsgTab_ Alert: <ALERT NAME> MsgNewLine_MsgTab_ CommCell: <COMMCELL NAME> MsgNewLine_MsgTab_ Your computer: [<CLIENT NAME>] has not been backed up in over: <NO SUCCESSFUL JOB SINCE> MsgNewLine_MsgTab_ The last recorded backup was on: [<DATE OF LAST SUCCESSFUL JOB>] at: [<TIME OF LAST SUCCESSFUL JOB>] MsgNewLine_MsgTab_ It is suggested that you perform a backup as soon as possible so as to not lose any data. MsgNewLine_MsgTab_ You can do this by clicking the "Backup Now" button on the CommVault Edge Monitor control in the Taskbar Notification area. MsgNewLine_MsgTab_ " notifMessageHtml="<SUBJECT BEGIN> Alert: <ALERT NAME> Type: <ALERT CATEGORY - ALERT TYPE> <IS ESCALATED?> <SUBJECT END><style type="text/css"><!--body { background-image: url(cid:bgc.png) }hr { height: 1px; color: black }.content2 { background-color: WHITE; font-family: Calibri, Tahoma, Arial; width: 800px; padding-right: 50px; border-spacing: 0; padding-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 25px; padding-top: 25px; color: #666666 }.content1 { width: 800px; border-spacing: 0; padding-top: 20px }--></style><div align="center"><table class="content1"><tr><td colspan="2"><img alt="Cloud Image" src="cid:AlertCloud_header.PNG" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td width="10%">&#160;&#160;</td><td><p><font color="#666666" face="Calibri,sans-serif"><span>Your Computer: [<b>&lt;CLIENT NAME&gt;</b>] has not backed up in over: <b>&lt;NO SUCCESSFUL JOB SINCE&gt;</b> </span></font></p><p><font color="#666666" face="Calibri,sans-serif"><span>The last recorded backup was on: [<b>&lt;DATE OF LAST SUCCESSFUL JOB&gt;</b>] at: [<b>&lt;TIME OF LAST SUCCESSFUL JOB&gt;</b>] </span></font></p><p><b><font color="#ff0033" face="Calibri,sans-serif"><span>It is suggested that you perform a backup as soon as possible so as to not lose any data.</span></font></b><font color="#666666" face="Calibri,sans-serif"><span> </span></font></p><p><font color="#666666" face="Calibri,sans-serif"><span>You can do this by clicking the &quot;Backup Now&quot; button on the CommVault Edge Monitor control in the Taskbar Notification area. </span></font></p></td></tr></table></div>" notifOptions="2" notifType="1"> <entity _type_="0" clientSidePackage="1" consumeLicense="1" type="0"/> <feeds baseLocation="" rssFeedLocation="" selectedChannel="" seperateIndex="0"/> <saveAlertToDisk alertLocation="" cvpassword="" impersonateUser="0" loginName="" password="||#1!" useNetworkShare="0"/>