Verify Access From the SAP Site


After recovering the database and the ContentStore directory, you must verify the site and connections from the SAP interface.

  1. In the CommCell browser, expand Client >Agent > All Tasks > Manage Site.

    Make sure that you are able to view the site name and site path in the Manage Site dialog box.

  2. Use a browser to verify if the site is accessible. For example: http://mydrmachinename:8080/ObjectServer/resources/aws/MI. The browser should display a GUID list of stored objects.


  3. Log on to the SAP interface and verify the connection to the Archive Link server through the Content Repositories menu (OACO). To verify the connection, click the conten1icon.


    Note: If this test fails, verify that the IP address or name of the production computer and the address or DNS name is accessible from SAP and is updated correctly in the postgres file. Also verify that the Apache and postgres servers are running.

  4. To send the certificate request, click the send icon conten3.


    Note: If the certificate request fails, use the CS Admin icon conten4 to update the certificate.

  5. Click the save icon conten2to save any changes.


  6. Repeat the above steps for each site.

What to do Next

To fail back the archive link operations to the production computer using the following steps:

After you rebuild the original production computer, you can fail back the archive link operations to the production computer using the following steps:

  1. Back up the PostgreSQL database and the ContentStore directory on the DR computer. For instructions, see Preparing for a Full System Recovery.

  2. Bring down the DR computer.

  3. Recover the SAP Archive Link Data to the production computer

    1. Build the production computer

    2. Restore the SAP Archive Link data

    3. Verify Access from the SAP site

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