Configuring SQL Database Application Migration to an Amazon EC2 Instance

You must have an Amazon EC2 account that contains an Amazon Machine Instance (AMI). After you create an AMI, you can create an EC2 instance.

When you perform the migration, you can configure the Commvault software to create the instance.

For instructions about creating EC2 instances in Amazon Web Services, the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.


  1. Create an Amazon account.

  2. Obtain a user access key by using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). You can use the IAM user access keys to control access to specific AWS services and resources for an AWS account.

    For more information, see the AWS article, "Managing Access Keys for IAM Users", Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.

  3. Create an Amazon Security Group with the appropriate rules.

    For information, see the AWS article, "Amazon EC2 Security Groups for Windows Instances", Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.

  4. If you do not have an Amazon key pair, you must create one.

    For more information, see the AWS article, "Amazon EC2 Key Pairs and Windows Instances", Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.

  5. Create a custom Windows AMI that has a SQL server installed. For more information, see Creating a Custom Amazon Windows AMI for Database Application Migration.

  6. Configure the permissions to access AWS resources.

    When you use the access key and secret key for an IAM user, you must have appropriate permissions, which can be any of the following:

    • Amazon EC2 Full Access

    • Administrator Access

    • Custom permissions to access AWS resources

  7. Record all the Amazon information, such as the user and the key pair.
