Managing Subclients for the Active Directory Applications

Subclients contain information about what objects or attributes are backed up. You can create a user-defined subclient to manage and back up specific objects or attributes.

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have the following information:

  • The plan to assign to the subclient

    Note: You can only assign a plan to a subclient when it is the only subclient in the backup set.

    Plans contain information about how often the software backs up the data and the storage library.

    For more information, see Plans.


You can add a subclient on the agent details page or the backup set details page. You can edit the subclient content on the subclient details page.

  1. From the navigation pane, click Solutions > Apps > Active Directory> client.

    The client details page appears.

  2. The default subclient appears on the bottom of the page. To create a new subclient, in the right bottom of the page click Add subclient.

    The Add Subclient dialog box appears.

  3. In the Subclient Name box, type the subclient name.

  4. From the Plan list, select the plan that the software uses to protect the data.

  5. Click Add Content.

    The Add Content dialog box appears.

  6. Select the objects and organizational unit that you wish to back up and click Add.

  7. Click Save.

  8. To edit an existing subclient, click on the ellipses and click Manage Subclient.

    The Manage Subclient dialog box appears.

  9. Expand Manage Plan and you can do the following:

    1. In Plan, click Edit to change the server plan you want to use for your subclient.

    2. You can view the schedules,alerts, and storage pool used for your subclient. Schedules, Alerts, and Storage Pool options are preset and you cannot edit the values.

  10. Expand Manage Content and click the check box in the Content row to add or remove objects to your subclient content.


The software adds the subclient and you can perform backup and restore operations on the subclient. If you assigned a plan to the subclient, the following operations happen:

  • The software automatically backs up the subclient according to the schedule plans

  • The software assigns the plan to the subclient's backup set.
