VSA Proxies and File Recovery Enablers for Linux

A Virtual Server Agent proxy (VSA proxy) manages backups for a hypervisor. A File Recovery Enabler for Linux (FREL) acts as a MediaAgent to write Linux file system backup data to storage, or to read backup data from storage.

VSA proxies and FRELs are servers. You can deploy a VSA proxy by adding a server or by adding Commvault software to an existing server.

The following use cases apply for VSA proxies and FRELs:

  • Each VSA proxy must have the Virtual Server software package installed.

  • For VSA proxies that support IntelliSnap, install both the Virtual Server software package and the Media Agent software package.

  • A Linux MediaAgent can be automatically configured to serve as a FREL.

    For more information, see Automatic Configuration of a MediaAgent as a Linux File Recovery Enabler (FREL).

  • For hypervisors that support Linux proxies, you can install the Virtual Server software package on the Linux MediaAgent that is configured as a FREL, so that the same server can also serve as a VSA proxy.

Proxy Requirements by Hypervisor

  • Alibaba Cloud: An Alibaba Cloud instance in the zone to be protected.

  • Amazon: An Amazon instance in the region to be protected.

  • Azure: An Azure virtual machine in the region to be protected.

  • Google Cloud Platform: A Google Cloud Platform instance in the region to be protected.

  • Nutanix AHV: A virtual machine in the Nutanix cluster.

  • OpenStack: An instance in the OpenStack data center.

  • Oracle Cloud Classic: An Oracle Cloud Classic instance.

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instance.

  • Oracle VM: A virtual machine hosted on an Oracle VM Server.

  • RHV: A virtual machine in the same RHV data center.

  • vCloud Director: A physical machine, or a virtual machine in vCloud or VMware.

  • For VMware, the backup server where Commvault is installed is automatically selected as a default proxy. As needed, you can add additional physical servers or VMware VMs and configure them as proxies.

For more information about proxy requirements, see Virtual Server Agent (VSA) Requirements.
