Setting Up a Hedvig Deployment Server

Setup up a Hedvig Deployment Server by deploying and using a server appliance VM.

Before You Begin

Setup the MediaAgent, by installing the OS and MediaAgent software. The Hedvig Proxy must be setup in this machine.


  1. Use the deploy.ova to deploy a Hedvig deployment server appliance VM.

    For more information on Setting up a Hedvig Deployment Server appliance VM, see Setting Up Deployment Servers as Appliance VMs on ESXi Hosts.

  2. If you are not deploying the cluster as DNS available, add all cluster hostnames to the /etc/hosts file.

    For more information on editing the hosts file, see Editing /etc/hosts File on a Deployment Servers.

  3. From the directory into which you downloaded the Hedvig software, copy the following files to the /home/admin/ directory on the deployment server.



    <Ansible configuration file>

  4. Login to your deployment server as the root user.

    ssh root@<deployment server FQDN> 
    password: hedvig


    You should change the password after the deployment is completed, to make sure that it is secure.

  5. Change the permissions of the binaries.

    chmod +x /home/admin/hedvig_extract.bin
    chmod +x   /home/admin/rpm_extract.bin
  6. Change to the admin user.

    su - admin
  7. Extract both binaries.

    sudo ./h edvig_extract.bin
      extracting file..
      checksumming file..
      installing dependencies..
      installing product..
      installing tools..
    sudo ./rpm_extract.bin
      extracting file..
      checksumming file..
      installing rpm..

What to Do Next

Deploy the software needed to setup the Distributed Storages.

Setting Up Hedvig Deployment Servers
