Monitoring the Hardware for HyperScale X Reference Architecture


The Hardware Components view in the Command Center provides the current status of the HyperScale X Reference Architecture nodes, including hardware errors, and can be used to to quickly evaluate the health of the nodes.

The HyperScale Hardware Report can be used to view detailed information about the hardware components (disks, cooling devices, power supply, and network interface) associated with all the nodes in the storage pool. In addition, hardware status associated with a specific node can also be viewed.

Displaying the Hardware Components View

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Storage > HyperScale X.

    The HyperScale page appears.

  2. In the Name column, click the storage pool that you want to monitor.

    The storage pool page appears.

    The Hardware components section provides the current status of the nodes.

Viewing the HyperScale Hardware Report

  1. In the Nodes section, click a node to view the details.

    The node page appears.

    • The Server Information section displays the status of the hardware in the node.

    • The Disks section displays the status of the individual disks.

  2. From the Server Information section, in the upper-right corner, click Details.

    The HyperScale Hardware Report appears.

  3. Optional: View a detailed hardware status associated with a specific node as follows:

    1. Select the specific node from the Node list displayed at the top of the page.

    2. Click Apply.

    The HyperScale Hardware Report displays the details for the selected node.

Configuring Alerts to Monitor the Hardware

The following additional alerts are recommended to monitor your HyperScale entities. For more information about creating an alert, see Creating an Alert from the Alert Wizard.