New Features for Deployment in 11.16


The following new features were added to the current software release.

Application Seed Package

You can create an application seed package, which is useful for deploying different agents and configurations across multiple computers.

For more information, see Application Seed Packages.

Increase Scalability with Application Manager Node

To increase the scalability of your environment, you can offload the Application Manager service from the CommServe computer to a different machine by installing the Application Manager Node package on a different client. Afterward, you can configure a computer group to use the Application Manager Node client as the Application Manager services host instead of the CommServe computer.

For more information, see Application Manager Node Overview.

LDAP Domain Controllers and Attribute Filters in the Command Center

You can add any LDAP-based domain controller to your CommCell environment by using the Command Center. You can also add subsets of objects from your LDAP domain controllers as domain controller objects in your CommCell environment. For example, you can add two different organizations from the same Active Directory as separate entities in the Command Center, which you can associate with different companies.

For more information, see Managing Domain Controllers.

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition is the SQL Server version that is used during the installation of Commvault server packages, such as the CommServe software.

For more information, see the following:

Test and Interact with Commvault APIs Using API Explorer

The API Explorer is an application in Web Console for visualizing and interacting with the latest Commvault RESTful APIs.

Commvault's latest RESTful APIs follow the Swagger 2.0 specification, which means they are compatible with Swagger UI. Swagger UI is the open source framework that powers the Commvault API Explorer and makes visualizing and using the latest Commvault RESTful APIs easier for end users. From API Explorer, users can execute REST API requests and view responses from the CommCell environment directly from the Web Console.

For more information, see <API_Explorer>.