Uploading Data to an Open Data Source in Data Cube

You can use Data Cube to create your own data sources with the open data source connector. With the open data source connector, you can define the schema for your data in Data Cube, and then upload the data using the Data Cube REST APIs. Also, you can create custom data sources in Data Cube, or you can connect to other sources of data that are not yet supported by a native data connector.


The first time that you upload data to an open data source, the data is inserted into the open data source according to the schema that you defined. If you then upload additional data to the open data source, then then the new data is appended to the existing data. Therefore, if subsequent uploads are not unique, you might have duplicate data in your open data source. If you want to overwrite existing data in the open data source, you must first clear the existing data, and then upload the new data. For more information about how to clear existing data, see Clearing Data and Deleting Data Connections in Data Cube.

Before You Begin


  1. In a web browser, log on to the Web Console, and then click Analytics > Open Data Source.

  2. On the Data Sources (Open Data Source) page, click the data source that you want to use.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, click REST API.

  4. Under the POST section, use Request Format and Response Format to select your desired request and response formats.

  5. From the gray box, copy the request header details into a POST request in your REST client application.


    Include the authentication token that you obtained from the POST Login API for the Web Console web service. For more information, see REST API - Authentication: POST Login.

  6. In the REST client application, to the POST request, add the data that you want to upload.

  7. Verify that the POST request matches the format in the Sample Request box.

  8. Send the POST request, and then wait for the response.

    The POST request appends the new data to any existing data in the open data source.

  9. To view the data that you added, in the upper-right corner of the page, click Report.
