Using the Open Data Source Connector in Data Cube

You can use Data Cube to create your own data sources with the open data source connector. With the open data source connector, you can define the schema for your data in Data Cube, and then upload the data using the Data Cube REST APIs. Also, you can create custom data sources in Data Cube, or you can connect to other sources of data that are not yet supported by a native data connector.

  1. Connect to an open data source with Data Cube.

    For more information, see Connecting to an Open Data Source with Data Cube.

  2. Define the schema for the data source.

    You can define the schema either when you create the data source, or later from the data source schema page. For more information, see Editing Data Connection Schema.

  3. To add data to a data source using the open data source connector, send a POST request that contains the data that you want to add to the source using a REST API program.

    For more information, see Uploading Data to an Open Data Source Connection in Data Cube.

Your data appears in the data source page under the open data source connector. You can use the features of Data Cube to view, search, visualize, and share the open data source.
