When you configure a new hypervisor during the process of creating a replication group, you must provide vendor-specific information so that the Command Center can access the hypervisor.
Amazon Options
Select vendor: Select AWS.
Client name: Type a descriptive name for the hypervisor.
Regions: To restrict the hypervisor configuration to specific regions, enter the regions.
By default, all public regions are accessible.
You can enter multiple region identifiers separated by commas, including public and private regions.
Select the Amazon account authentication method:
IAM role: If you select this option, select an access node that has an IAM role associated with it in the AWS Console.
Access and secret key: If you select this option, provide the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key that are associated with your Amazon account.
STS assume role with IAM policy: If you select this option, enter the name of the STS (Amazon Resource Name) ARN in the Role ARN box.
Use service account resources: If you already configured a hypervisor for a service account, you can select this option and then select the service account from the Account list.
This option applies only in environments where resources are provided by a separate service account. If another Amazon hypervisor is not already configured, this field does not appear.
Access nodes: Select a VSA proxy to use for replication operations.