Capacity Types in the License Summary Report

The Capacity views of the License Summary Report display the current amount of capacity used per license, per agent, and per client computer.

Included Components

For more information about the types of capacity in this report, see Types of Capacity License.

Usage Calculation

For detailed information about how specific agent types are calculated, see any of the following pages:

Where to Access the Report

To view this report, in the License Summary Report, in the Capacity License table, under License, click Commvault Backup and Recovery, Commvault Backup and Recovery for Unstructured Data, Backup, Snapshot, Replication, or Archive.

Current Usage by Licenses Table

The Usage by Licenses table displays the amount of capacity used by each license type.



License ID

The ID assigned to the license.


The type of license.


The amount of capacity that the organization used for the license type.

To view the Usage Details table, under License, click any of the license types.

Current Usage by Agents Table

The Usage by Agents table displays the amount of capacity that the organization used for each agent type.



Agent ID

The ID assigned to the agent.


The type of agent license.


The amount of capacity that the organization used for the agent type.

To view the Usage Details table, under Agent, click any of the agent types.

Current Usage by Clients Table

The Usage by Clients table displays the amount of capacity that the organization used for each client computer.



Client ID

The ID assigned to the client computer.


The client computer that consumed capacity.


The amount of capacity used by the client computer.

To view the Usage Details table, under Client, click any of the client computers.
