Adding Schedule Backup Using XUSER Authentication

You can add schedule backup using MaxDB XUSER authentication.


The Add schedule screen is open.

  1. In SAP MaxDB XUSER window, under Inputs section, enter the following details:

    1. Select your client : Select the name of the client on which you want to run the backups.

    2. Enter the DB instance name : Enter the name of the database instance that you want to backup.

    3. Select the backup type : Select the type of backup that you want to run.

    4. XUSER name : Enter the XUSER name for authentication. XUSER name input is case sensitive.

    5. OS username : Enter the OS username that is used to create XUSER. This user is used to execute dbmcli commands.

    6. OS user password : Enter the password for OS user that is used to create XUSER.

    7. Additional Recipients for Email (use , or ; separator between multiple email IDs) (optional) : Enter one or more email ID(s) to send the workflow running status after completion.

    8. Enter the path to dbmcli executable : Enter the path to DBMCLI executable in the client machine.

    9. Enter the backup medium name for Full (optional) : Enter the full Backup medium name. You can use medium_getall command to find it.

    10. Enter the backup medium name for Incremental (optional) : Entre the incremental Backup medium name. You can use medium_getall command to find it.

    11. Enter the backup medium name for Log (optional) : Enter the log Backup medium name. You can use medium_getall command to find it.

  2. Move Send email for failures only (optional) toggle to right if you want to send mail only for failed workflows.

  3. If you move Do not change the DB state during online backups (optional) toggle to right, the workflow does not make any change to the state of the database before running the online backup. Consequently, the online backups fails if the database is offline.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Under Schedule section, enter the following details:

    1. In the Name box, enter the name of the schedule.

    2. Define frequency and time of the schedule. Also, you can set a recurring or repeating schedule as per requirement.

  6. Click Submit.
