Tape Handling


Identifying Media That Have Extended Retention

If you want to export media that have extended retention, you can configure the system to export the media automatically with a Tracking Policy, or you can export the media manually with the Export Media Wizard.

Using a Tracking Policy
  1. From the CommCell® Browser, navigate to Policies | Vault Tracker Policies.

    All of the available Tracking Policies appear in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the appropriate policy, and then click Properties.

    The Tracking Policy Details dialog box appears.

  3. On the Criteria tab, click the Filter Media By Retention check box, and then select Media with extended retention job(s).

  4. Click OK.

Using Export Media from a List
  1. In the CommCell Browser, navigate to Storage Resources | Libraries.

  2. Right-click the appropriate library, and then click Export Media.

    The Export Media Wizard appears.

  3. On the first page of the wizard, make sure that No is selected, and then click Next.

    A list of media that are in the library appears on the next page of the wizard. In the Storage Policy/Copy column, media with extended retention include the capital letter E in parentheses (E) at the end of the storage policy copy name.

  4. Perform the appropriate action.

    • If you want to export the media, select the appropriate media, and then click Finish.

    • If you do not want to export the media, click Cancel.