Amazon S3 - C2S Access Portal


Use this dialog box to add (or modify) Amazon S3, with C2S Access Portal authentication, as a storage target.


Refer to Amazon S3 documentation for additional information on the inputs required in this dialog box.

Configurable Options



Additional Information


The name of the Cloud library.

Device Name

A unique device name generated by the system when the library is added.


Select Amazon S3 from the list.


The name of the MediaAgent to which the device is attached. Select a MediaAgent from the list to add to the cloud storage device. The list contains the names of all the MediaAgents configured in the CommCell.

Access Information

Add the credentials and other details required to access the cloud storage space.


Select C2S Access Portal.

Use this Authentication for a user with credentials to either the Amazon C2S (Amazon Commercial Cloud Services) or Amazon SC2S (Amazon Secure - Commercial Cloud Services).

Service Host

A valid endpoint name for the Amazon S3 region provided by the agency. (Commvault transfers data using HTTPS protocol to the service host.)

Default: s3.[region] For example,

  • To find the region, see

  • Multiple hosts can be added in the Service Host field using commas to separate them. For example servicehost1, servicehost2, servicehost3. (For local cloud servers with multiple IP addresses, the list of IP addresses can be added. For example,,, )


    All the hosts (or IP addresses) in the list must point to the same storage. Adding a host or IP address to a different storage will result in data loss.



For example:


Certificate Filename

The certificate file name provided by the agency. For example: <file_name>.p12.

Make sure that the file is copied and available in all the MediaAgents using the library under the following folder:

<software install folder>/Base/Certificates


The password for the certificate file provided by the agency.


Click the Detect button to detect an existing bucket.

Sometimes, existing bucket list may not get populated while detecting the buckets, as some vendors may not support this operation, or if there are no permissions to complete the operation. In such cases, type the name of the existing bucket that you want to use. The system will automatically use the existing bucket if it is available.

The following permissions must be enabled for the bucket:

Sample json file with these permissions.

  • The CreateBucket permission is required only when the bucket must be created by the MediaAgent while configuring the cloud storage. (This permission can be skipped if an existing bucket is used for configuring the cloud storage.)

  • The ListAllMyBuckets permissions request is required for the Detect button to work.

  • For a bucket with versioning enabled, the user must have DeleteObjectVersion and ListBucketVersions permissions to delete a versioned objects when a pruning request is sent to delete the objects.

  • To recall data from Amazon Glacier Glacier/Deep Archive or Combined Tier Storage Classes, make sure that the user associated with the bucket has the RestoreObject permission. For more information on POST Object restore, see

Storage Class

The following Amazon S3 storage classes are supported for Commvault Cloud Storage libraries:

  • S3 Standard

  • S3 Intelligent-Tiering

  • S3 Standard-Infrequent Access

  • S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access

  • S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval

  • S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval

  • S3 Glacier Deep Archive

  • S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage

Reference for more information.

Use Combined Tier

Enable the option to use a combine storage tier, with S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, or S3 Glacier Deep Archive Storage Classes.

This option will be enabled when S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, or S3 Glacier Deep Archive Storage Class is selected.

Combined Storage Class

The following combined Storage options are available for the Glacier Flexible and Glacier Deep Archive storage classes:

  • Intelligent Tiering

  • One Zone - Infrequent Access

  • Standard

  • Standard- Infrequent Access

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