Assigning Security Permissions for ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP)


Before you install the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP), you must assign role security permissions and associate the role with a domain. This applies to mailbox messages or journaled messages.

  • The required permission is End User Access.

  • Even though you can define permissions at the client level, we recommend:

    • mailboxes messages: define permissions at the agent level or the backupset level

    • journaled messages: permissions must be defined at the agent level


This procedure defines the permissions at the agent level.

  1. Create a new role.

    1. From the CommCell Console, expand Security.

    2. Right-click Roles, and then click New Role.

      The New Roles dialog box appears.

    3. In the Name box, type a name for the role.

    4. In the Permissions area, expand Client, and then select the End User Access check box.

    5. Click OK.

  2. Associate the new role with a domain.

    1. From the CommCell Console, expand Client Computers.

    2. Right-click the agent, and then click Properties.

      The Properties dialog box for the agent appears.

    3. Click the Security tab.

    4. Click Add.

      The Add Users and Groups dialog box appears.

    5. In the Users and Groups area, select the appropriate domain from the top list, and then click Add.

      The domain that you selected appears in the bottom list.

    6. In the Role area, select End Users from the list.

    7. Click OK.

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