Add Disk Filter


Use this dialog box to add disk filters for a subclient. Disk filters are the criteria to exclude disks from the backup of a subclient. Use the following options to set the criteria:


Virtual Device Node

Select this option to exclude disks associated with a specific device node from the backup. Select the device node from the available list. For example: If you select scsi 0:0, the scsi 0:0 disk is excluded from backups for all virtual machines in the subclient.


Select this option to exclude all disks on a specific datastore from the backup. Click browse to open the browse the vCenter and select the datastore.

For example: If you select datastore A, all disks on datastore A are excluded from the backup.

VMDK Name Pattern

Select this option to exclude disks based on a disk name pattern. Enter the disk name pattern with *.

For example: If you enter *SingleDSVM*, all disks that have names starting with the word "SingleDSVM" are filtered when you perform the backup for all the virtual machines in the subclient. For example, if a virtual machine has disks SingleDSVM1, SingleDSVM2, data1, and data2, the SingleDSVM1 and SingleDSVM2 disks are excluded from the backup.

You cannot include path information in the disk name pattern.

Hard disk #

Select this option to exclude disks with specified disk numbers from the backup. Enter the disk number or range of disk numbers in the available boxes.

For example: Enter 1 to 1 to exclude disk #1 from backups for all virtual machines in the subclient.

To exclude disks 1, 2, and 3 from backups for all virtual machines in the subclient, enter 1 to 3.

Microsoft Hyper-V

Virtual Device Node

Select a device node from the drop-down list.

Virtual Disk Name Pattern

Enter a pattern for the names of disks to filter (for example, VMName.vhd or VMName.vhdx).

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