Component Security on a Custom Report


You can view the components on a custom report based on user roles and custom expressions.


  1. On Web Console, click Reports.

    The Reports page appears.

  2. To open a report where you have already added a component, from the navigation pane, click Configuration > Reports, and next to the Report Name under Actions, click Edit.

  3. Optional: If your report has multiple pages, click the tab for the page that you want to edit.

  4. Select the component and then under Properties, in the Component Security select one of the following:

    • All: To allow everyone see the component, select this option.

    • CommCell Admin: To allow only CommCell administrators see the component, select this option.

    • Tenant Admin: To allow only only tenant administrators see the component, select this option.

    • Custom: To allow users see the report based on the permissions, select this option, then in the Security Expression box, enter a JavaScript statement.

    • For example, to allow MSP users see the component, in the Security Expression box, enter := return cv.isMspUser.


      To add the component security at page level, click settings beside the page name, and then configure the visibility from the Component Security list. This option is not available for default page.

  5. To add a Visible Expression, move the toggle key to the right and enter a JavaScript statement.

    The component security retains the space of the hidden component with width lower than the viewport, so that the position of the adjacent component is also retained.

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