Configuring Search Bar Components in the Report Builder


When you add a search bar component to a report, you can configure additional options.

Before You Begin


  1. On the Web Console for the Private Metrics Reporting Server, click Reports.

    The Worldwide Dashboard appears.

  2. To open a report where you have already added a data set, from the navigation pane, click Configuration > Reports, and next to the Report Name under Actions, click Edit.

  3. Optional: If your report has multiple pages, click the tab for the page that you want to edit.

  4. Drag Search Bar to the Drop components to build the report box.

  5. From the Data Sets list, drag a field to the Drop columns here box.


  6. If you want to add multiple search criteria, drag other fields into the search bar component.


  7. Select the component, on the Properties tab, click Generalproperties_general, and configure the settings:

    • To name the search bar component, in the Chart Title box, type a name for the component.

    • To configure a different ID for the search bar component, in the ID box, type a new identifier for the component.

      Note: You cannot edit the contents of the Data Set box.

  8. To remove a field from the component, on the Properties tab, click Fields fields_tab, and next to the Field Name, click Remove Measureremove_measure.

    This image is an example of the search bar component with a title configured:


  9. To save this version of your report specification in the Reports Manager, at the top of the Report Builder page, click Save.

  10. To make the report available to end users on the Reports page, at the top of the page, click Deploy.

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