Creating a Report to View Data from Oracle Tablespaces


You can create reports to view Oracle tablespaces details like max space, used space, free space and creation time for a given Oracle instance and client name. The following is an example that you can use to build your own reports for the Oracle database.

Before You Begin

Configure your Oracle database as a data source for reports. For instructions, see Configuring External Data Sources.


  1. At the top of the page, click New Report new_report.

    The Build New Report page appears.

  2. Under Configure, in the Report Name box, enter a name for the report.

  3. In the Description box, enter a description of the information that will appear in the report.

    The text that you enter here will appear in the space below the report name on the Reports page.

  4. From the Select Data Sources list, select the Oracle database where you want to run the report queries.

  5. In the Query For Table Data box, type your query.

    For example:

  6. Click Verify Query.

    A message appears that says that the query verified successfully.

  7. If you want to add a chart, under Configure, select Chart.

    The Chart section appears at the bottom of the page.

  8. In the Chart Name box, enter a name for the chart.

  9. Next to Select View, select the type of chart that you want to include in the report.

    • Vertical Bar

    • Horizontal Bar

    • Line

    • Pie

    • Table

      This option displays a table of summary information instead of a chart.

  10. To include a summary table for data that appears in the chart, click Include Chart Summary Table.

  11. Select Use Existing Table Query.

  12. Click Refresh Columns.

    Under Group-by and Value, column types appear in the Available list . Under Value, Count is automatically selected.

  13. Under Group-By, in the Available list, select a column type, and then click the right arrow button [>]. You can select only two column types. Selecting two column types allows you to create a stacked bar chart.

  14. In the Group-By Label box, type a label name for the column type.

  15. To change the column type, under Value, in the Available list, select a column type, and then click the right arrow button [>].

    The column type that you selected replaces Count. You can select only one column type.

  16. To include aggregate information in the Value, select Aggregates, and then next to the column type, select an aggregate type.

  17. In the Value Label box, enter a label name for the column type.

  18. Next to Report Preview, click the Generate Preview button generate_preview_button.

    A sample of the report appears in the Report Preview section.

    Optionally, if you created a chart, you can configure the chart options as follows:

    • To display the bars in ascending or descending order, click Chart Toggle.

    • To change the color of the bars, click one of the color samples.

    • To change the view type, click a view type button.

      • Horizontal Bar Chart

      • Vertical Bar Chart

      • Pie Chart

      • Line Chart

    • To sort the contents in the table columns, click the column heading.

  19. At the top of the Build a New Report page, click Save.

    A message appears that asks if you want to continue editing.

  20. Click No.

    The Reports page appears with your report added to the list.

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