This operation browses data obtained through a backup.
GET <webservice>/Subclient/{subclientId}/Browse?path={path}&showDeletedFiles={showDeletedFiles}&passkey={passkey}&vsFileBrowse={vsFileBrowse}&vsDiskBrowse={vsDiskBrowse} HTTP/1.1
Host: <host name>
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Parameters
Name |
Description |
Required |
subclientId |
The subclient ID for the subclient. If the subclient ID is not known, use the GET Subclient API to retrieve it. |
Yes |
path |
The path to browse. To browse at the root level, use a backslash (\). For example, path=%5C. Special characters and spaces must be encoded before they are sent in the request. After each browse, the path parameter can be made more specific by including values returned in the <path> element in the browse response, for example:
No |
showDeletedFiles |
The option to include deleted files. Valid values are true/false. |
No |
passkey |
Include this parameter if a passkey is required to perform a restore operation. For information about setting a passkey, see REST API - POST Passkey (Company Level) and REST API - POST Create Passkey (Client Level). |
Conditional |
vsFileBrowse |
Include this parameter and set it to true when browsing folders and files inside a guest virtual machine. |
No |
vsDiskBrowse |
Include this parameter and set it to true when browsing virtual machine files, for example, .vmdk files. |
No |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the web server. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
dThe authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
respType |
The response type of the browse request. Valid value is 0. |
browseResponses |
workerId |
An internal reference number. |
browseResponses |
queryId |
The unique identifier of the query. |
browseResult |
name |
The name of the item. |
dataResultSet |
path |
The location of the item. |
dataResultSet |
displayPath |
The location of the item. |
modificationTime |
The date and time the item was last modified. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
dataResultSet |
displayName |
The name of the item. |
dataResultSet |
size |
The size of the item. |
dataResultSet |
archiveGroupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the archived group where the item is backed up. |
advancedData |
referenceTime |
The date and time the item was backed up. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
advancedData |
cipId |
An internal reference number. |
advancedData |
imageMap |
The image map of the item. |
advancedData |
archiveFileId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the archived item. |
advancedData |
backupJobId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the job that backed up the item. |
advancedData |
backupTime |
The date and time the item was backed up. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
advancedData |
offset |
advancedData |
commcellNumber |
browseAdvancedConfigResp |
guid |
The globally unique identifier for the stub. |
dmStubData |
DriveFreePercentage |
fsData |
folderSize |
The size of the folder. |
indexing |
_type_ |
The CommCell objects associated with the browse. Valid value is 1. |
sourceCommServer |
type |
sourceCommServer |
commCellId |
The CommCell ID of the CommServe. Valid value is 2. |
sourceCommServer |
applicationId |
The ID of the application. Valid values are:
subclient |
_type_ |
The CommCell objects associated with the browse. Valid value is 7. |
subclient |
directory |
flags |
mountPoint |
flags |
sessionId |
The unique browse session ID returned in a browse request. |
session |
result |
The number of browse results. |
aggrResultSet |
Sample Request
This request is for a root level browse.
GET <webservice>/Subclient/2/Browse?path=%5C HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
This request is for a root level browse for guest virtual machines.
GET <webservice>/Subclient/1234/Browse?path=%5C&showDeletedFiles=false&vsFileBrowse=true HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
This request is to browse a specific guest virtual machine.
GET <webservice>/Subclient/1234/Browse?path=%5C5039fb6c-9190-1642-f42b-bTEST121f01b&showDeletedFiles=false&vsFileBrowse=true HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Sample Response
This is the response when the request is for a root level browse.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<browseResponses respType="0" workerId="19">
<browseResult queryId="0">
<dataResultSet name="|2|#12!C:" path="\C:" displayPath="\C:" modificationTime="1409307311" displayName="C:" size="107004030976">
<advancedData archiveGroupId="3" referenceTime="1409341069" cipId="0" imageMap="45 IN " archiveFileId="11" backupJobId="45" backupTime="1409341069" offset="0">
<browseAdvancedConfigResp commcellNumber="4294967295" />
<dmStubData guid="cvlt_c15f5c99ff7888df88d3c606c9238262" />
<fsData DriveFreePercentage="66" />
<indexing folderSize="3787" />
<sourceCommServer _type_="1" type="0" commCellId="2" />
<subclient applicationId="2" _type_="7" />
<flags directory="1" mountPoint="1" />
<session sessionId="1409670021-19" />
<browseResponses respType="0" workerId="19">
<browseResult queryId="1">
<aggrResultSet result="1" />
<session sessionId="1409670021-19" />
This is the response when the request is for guest virtual machines.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<browseResponses respType="0" workerId="15">
<dataResultSet displayName="VM0011" displayPath="\VM0011" name="501cb8c8-9293-420a-d3f9-9TEST02c2fc4" path="\501cb8c8-9293-420a-d3f9-9TEST02c2fc4" size="5395798219" version="1">
<advancedData archiveFileId="37031" archiveGroupId="75" backupTime="1407954921" imageMap="39908 IN " offset="11182941708" referenceTime="1407954921">
<indexing disableSuperBrowseMerge="1" displayName="VM0011" />
<virtualServerMetaData datastore="CV-STORAGE1" esxHost="" />
<sourceCommServer _type_="1" commCellId="2" type="0" />
<subclient applicationId="1234" _type_="7" />
<flags directory="1" />
<dataResultSet displayName="VM0022" displayPath="\VM0022" name="5039fb6c-9190-1642-f42b-bTEST121f01b" path="\5039fb6c-9190-1642-f42b-bTEST121f01b" size="2147496080" version="1">
<advancedData archiveFileId="37031" archiveGroupId="75" backupTime="1407954921" imageMap="39908 IN " offset="11182919833" referenceTime="1407954921">
<indexing disableSuperBrowseMerge="1" displayName="VM0022" />
<virtualServerMetaData datastore="localds5" esxHost="" />
<sourceCommServer _type_="1" commCellId="2" type="0" />
<subclient applicationId="1234" _type_="7" />
<flags directory="1" />
<session sessionId="1409086991-15" />
<browseResponses respType="0" workerId="15">
<browseResult queryId="1">
<aggrResultSet result="0" />
<session sessionId="1409086991-15" />
This is the response when the request is for a specific virtual machine.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<browseResponses respType="0" workerId="15">
<dataResultSet displayName="C" displayPath="\VM0022\C" name="|C|#12!5" path="\5039fb6c-9190-1642-f42b-bTEST121f01b\C|#12!5" version="1">
<advancedData backupTime="1407954921" referenceTime="1407954921">
<subclient applicationId="1234" _type_="7" />
<flags directory="1" />
<session sessionId="1409086991-15" />
<browseResponses respType="0" workerId="15">
<browseResult queryId="1">
<aggrResultSet result="0" />
<session sessionId="1409086991-15" />