This operation returns the properties associated with a user.
Send the request using either the ID or the name:
GET <webservice>/User/{userId} HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token>
GET <webservice>/User/byName(userName='{userName}') HTTP/1.1 Host: <host name> Accept: application/xml Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Parameters
Name |
Description |
Required |
userId |
The user ID for the user. If the user ID is not known, use the GET User API to retrieve it. |
Yes-for the request by ID |
userName |
The user name of the user. If the user name is not known, use the GET User API to retrieve it. |
Yes-for the request by name |
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
Parent Element |
agePasswordDays |
The number of days to keep the password active. |
users |
App_GetUserPropertiesResponse |
The email address of the user. |
users |
App_GetUserPropertiesResponse |
enableUser |
The option to enable/disable the user. Valid values are True/False. |
users |
App_GetUserPropertiesResponse |
enforceFSQuota |
The option to limit file system backups for clients owned by this user to the quota set in the quotaLimitInGB parameter. |
users |
App_GetUserPropertiesResponse |
inheritGroupQuotaSettings |
The option to enforce the quota set for the user group the user is a member of. |
users |
App_GetUserPropertiesResponse |
quotaLimitInGB |
The quota amount in gigabytes that applies to the enforceFSQuota parameter. |
users |
App_GetUserPropertiesResponse |
fullName |
The first and last name of the user. |
users |
App_GetUserPropertiesResponse |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value is EXTERNAL_GROUP_ENTITY. |
associatedExternalUserGroups |
users |
externalGroupName |
The name of the Active Directory group the user is a member of. |
associatedExternalUserGroups |
users |
groupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the Active Directory group. |
associatedExternalUserGroups |
users |
providerDomainName |
The name of the Active Directory domain. |
associatedExternalUserGroups |
users |
providerId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the Active Directory provider. |
associatedExternalUserGroups |
users |
userGroupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user group associated with the user. |
associatedUserGroups |
users |
userGroupName |
The name of the user group associated with the user. |
associatedUserGroups |
users |
_type_ |
The entity included in the security association. The user in the userName parameter can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. The following are valid type values:
entity |
securityAssociations/associations/entities |
entity_ID |
The system-generated ID assigned to the entity included in the security association. |
entity |
securityAssociations/associations/entities |
entity_name |
The name of the entity included in the security association. |
entity |
securityAssociations/associations/entities |
isCreatorAssociation |
Valid values are True/False. |
properties |
securityAssociations/associations |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value is ROLE_ENTITY. |
role |
securityAssociations/associations/properties |
roleName |
The name of the role included in the security association. The user in the userName parameter can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. |
role |
securityAssociations/associations/properties |
roleId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the role included in the security association. The user in the userName parameter can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. |
role |
securityAssociations/associations/properties |
_type_ |
The entity included in the inherited security association. The user in the userName parameter can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. The security associations under the <inheritedAssociations> element are inherited from the entity in the <parentEntity> element. The following are valid type values:
entity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations/association/entities |
entity_ID |
The system-generated ID assigned to the entity included in the inherited security association. |
entity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations/association/entities |
entity_name |
The name of the entity included in the inherited security association. |
entity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations/association/entities |
isCreatorAssociation |
Valid values are True/False. |
properties |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations/association |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value is ROLE_ENTITY. |
role |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations/association/properties |
roleId |
The name of the role included in the inherited security association. The user in the userName parameter can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. |
role |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations/association/properties |
roleName |
The system-generated ID assigned to the role included in the inherited security association. The user in the userName parameter can manage the entities under the <securityAssociations> element. |
role |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations/association/properties |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid values are:
parentEntity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations |
commCellId |
If the _type_ parameter is set to COMMCELL_ENTITY, the security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations |
commCellName |
If the _type_ parameter is set to COMMCELL_ENTITY, the security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations |
groupId |
parentEntity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations |
userGroupId |
If the _type_ parameter is set to USERGROUP_ENTITY, the security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations |
userGroupName |
If the _type_ parameter is set to USERGROUP_ENTITY, the security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
securityAssociations/inheritedAssociations |
userId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user. |
userEntity |
users |
userName |
The name of the user. |
userEntity |
users |
isCreatorAssociation |
Valid values are True/False. |
properties |
userSecurity/associations |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value is ROLE_ENTITY. |
role |
userSecurity/associations |
roleId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the role included in the security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
role |
userSecurity/associations |
roleName |
The name of the role included in the security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
role |
userSecurity/associations |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid values are:
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/associations |
userGroupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user group included in the security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/associations |
userGroupName |
The name of the user group included in the security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/associations |
userId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user included in the security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/associations |
userName |
The name of the user included in the security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/associations |
isCreatorAssociation |
Valid values are True/False. |
properties |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value is ROLE_ENTITY. |
role |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
roleId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the role included in the inherited security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
role |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
roleName |
The name of the role included in the inherited security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
role |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid values are:
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
userGroupId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user group included in the inherited security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
userGroupName |
The name of the user group included in the inherited security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
userId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user included in the inherited security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
userName |
The name of the user included in the inherited security association. The users under the <userSecurity> element can manage the user in the userName parameter. |
userOrGroup |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
_type_ |
The type of CommCell object. Valid value are:
parentEntity |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations/association |
commCellId |
If the _type_ parameter is set to COMMCELL_ENTITY, the security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations |
commCellName |
If the _type_ parameter is set to COMMCELL_ENTITY, the security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations |
groupId |
parentEntity |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations |
userGroupId |
If the _type_ parameter is set to USERGROUP_ENTITY, the security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations |
userGroupName |
If the _type_ parameter is set to USERGROUP_ENTITY, the security association under the <inheritedAssociations> element is inherited from this entity. |
parentEntity |
userSecurity/InheritedAssociations |
Sample Request
This request uses the ID.
GET <webservice>/User/2 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
This request uses the name.
GET <webservice>/User/byName(userName='jdoe') HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Sample Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<users agePasswordDays="0" email="" enableUser="true" enforceFSQuota="false" inheritGroupQuotaSettings="true" quotaLimitInGB="100" fullName="Jane Doe">
<associatedExternalUserGroups _type_="EXTERNAL_GROUP_ENTITY" externalGroupName="Dev-Documentation" groupId="4" providerDomainName="commvault-nj" providerId="1"/>
<entity _type_="USERGROUP_ENTITY" clientSidePackage="true" consumeLicense="true" srmReportSet="0" srmReportType="0" type="GALAXY" userGroupId="6" userGroupName="LBS_group"/>
<properties isCreatorAssociation="false">
<role _type_="ROLE_ENTITY" roleId="24" roleName="user management"/>
<entity _type_="COMMCELL_ENTITY" clientSidePackage="true" commCellId="2" commCellName="WINTER" consumeLicense="true" srmReportSet="0" srmReportType="0" type="GALAXY"/>
<properties isCreatorAssociation="true">
<role _type_="ROLE_ENTITY" roleId="1" roleName="Master"/>
<parentEntity _type_="USERGROUP_ENTITY" groupId="0" userGroupId="1" userGroupName="master"/>
<userEntity userId="2" userName="jdoe"/>
<properties isCreatorAssociation="true">
<role _type_="ROLE_ENTITY" roleId="1" roleName="Master"/>
<userOrGroup _type_="USERGROUP_ENTITY" clientSidePackage="true" consumeLicense="true" groupId="0" srmReportSet="0" srmReportType="0" type="GALAXY" userGroupId="1" userGroupName="master" userId="0"/>
<parentEntity _type_="COMMCELL_ENTITY" commCellId="2" commCellName="WINTER"/>