This command displays the following information about a given media:
Barcode (Name)
Storage policy
Storage policy copy
Retain until date
Last export time
Media creation time
Scratch pool (for example, Cleaning Media and Default Scratch)
Media type (for example, ULTRIUM V4 and ULTRIUM V5)
Total Data (GB)
Last restore time
Last backup time
In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "media: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qinfo media -b <barcode> [-desc] [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]
-b |
Barcode |
-desc |
Displays description provided by the user |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
To display the provided user description without other information for the media, include the -desc option when you run the command. Otherwise, all the requested information along with only a partial description will be displayed.
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
Display information about a media named O10010WW.
E:\commandline>qinfo media -b 010010WW
Name :10010WW
Storage policy :battra_t(battra)-DP(2)
Copy :Primary
Location :slot2
Library :Library1
Status :Idle
Description :Media description
Retain until date :now
Last Export Time :Mon Dec 11 14:40:02 2017
Creation Time :Wed Oct 4 11:41:16 2017
Scratch Pool :Default Scratch
Media Type :Virtual Tape
Total Data(GB) :0.00
Last Backup Time :Mon Jun 25 11:25:54 2018
Last Restore Time :Wed Dec 6 12:41:25 2017