This command modifies a Vault Tracker policy.
When a Vault Tracker policy is modified, a message appears that tells you that the policy was modified successfully. If an error occurs, an error code and description appear: "vtp: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qcreate vtp [-cs <commserve_host_name>] -vtp <vtpolicyname> - newname <newname> [-desc <description>] [-autoack <autoack>] [-dueback <dueback>] [-srctype <sourcetype>] [-srcname <sourcename>] [-transit <transitlocation>] [-desttype <100 | 200 | 300>] [-destname <destinationname>] [-silocontainer <silocontainer>][-delaytime <delaytime>] [-quittime <quittime>] [-limitcount <nummediatomove>] [-usevms <usevms>] [-sp <sp | ALL>] [-spc <spc | ALL>] [-container <sourcename>] [-cap <capacity>] [-pattern <pattern>][-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]
-cs |
CommServe host name |
-vtp |
Name of the existing Vault Tracker policy |
-newname |
New name for the Vault Tracker policy |
-desc |
A description of the Vault Tracker policy |
-autoack |
Auto Acknowledge. When this argument is present, Auto Acknowledge is enabled. |
-dueback |
Due Back policy. When this argument is present, Due Back policy is enabled. |
-srctype |
Source location type. 100:Library 200:Location 300:Shelf |
-srcname |
Source location name |
-transit |
Transit location |
-desttype |
Destination type. 100:Library 200:Location 300:Shelf |
-destname |
Destination name |
-silocontainer |
Separate container for Silo. When this argument is present, separate container for Silo is enabled. |
-delaytime |
Export delay minutes |
-quittime |
Minutes until export goes into a Pending state |
-limitcount |
Number of media to move |
-usevms |
Use virtual mail slots. When this argument is present, use virtual mail slots is enabled. |
-sp |
Storage Policy. Enter ALL to select all. |
-spc |
Storage Policy Copy. Enter ALL to select all. |
-container |
Container name |
-cap |
Container capacity |
-pattern |
Container pattern |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
Modify a Vault Tracker policy named vtp1 to the name vtp_shelf, with a source type of shelf.
qmodify vtp -vtp vtp1 -newname vtp_shelf -srctype 300