qmodify vtp



This command modifies a Vault Tracker policy.

When a Vault Tracker policy is modified, a message appears that tells you that the policy was modified successfully. If an error occurs, an error code and description appear: "vtp: Error errorcode: errordescription"


qcreate vtp [-cs <commserve_host_name>] -vtp <vtpolicyname> - newname <newname> [-desc <description>] [-autoack <autoack>] [-dueback <dueback>] [-srctype <sourcetype>] [-srcname <sourcename>] [-transit <transitlocation>] [-desttype <100 | 200 | 300>] [-destname <destinationname>] [-silocontainer <silocontainer>][-delaytime <delaytime>] [-quittime <quittime>] [-limitcount <nummediatomove>] [-usevms <usevms>] [-sp <sp | ALL>] [-spc <spc | ALL>] [-container <sourcename>] [-cap <capacity>] [-pattern <pattern>][-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]



CommServe host name


Name of the existing Vault Tracker policy


New name for the Vault Tracker policy


A description of the Vault Tracker policy


Auto Acknowledge. When this argument is present, Auto Acknowledge is enabled.


Due Back policy. When this argument is present, Due Back policy is enabled.


Source location type. 100:Library 200:Location 300:Shelf


Source location name


Transit location


Destination type. 100:Library 200:Location 300:Shelf


Destination name


Separate container for Silo. When this argument is present, separate container for Silo is enabled.


Export delay minutes


Minutes until export goes into a Pending state


Number of media to move


Use virtual mail slots. When this argument is present, use virtual mail slots is enabled.


Storage Policy. Enter ALL to select all.


Storage Policy Copy. Enter ALL to select all.


Container name


Container capacity


Container pattern


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Modify a Vault Tracker policy named vtp1 to the name vtp_shelf, with a source type of shelf.

qmodify vtp -vtp vtp1 -newname vtp_shelf -srctype 300

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