Enter Mount Point (Snapshot)


For Windows, do one of the following:

  • specify a drive letter (for example, G:) to which the snapshot will be mounted.


    Ensure that you specify an unused drive letter.

  • type a mount point name (e.g., G:\mountpoint1) to which the snapshot will be mounted.

For UNIX, type the path to the symbolic link that points to the directory where the snapshot is mounted.


type /cdr_dst/testdata/snapshot


  • /cdr_dst/testdata is the physical directory in which the symbolic link snapshot will be created

  • snapshot points to the actual directory where the snapshot is mounted - /ddr_src/testdata/.zfs/snapshot/cvc_55351293/cdrdest

  • the destination folder for replication is /cdr_dst/testdata/cdrdest

    Run the following command to list the files in the /cdr_dst/testdata/ directory:

    #ls -l /cdr_dst/testdata/
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root 0 60 Oct 30 14:53 cdrdest
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 0 52 Apr 20 10:52 snapshot -> /cdr_dst/testdata/.zfs/snapshot/cvc_55351293/cdrdest

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