Job ID
A unique number allocated by the Job Manager for this operation.
Current state of the Replication Pair.
Last Update Time
The date and time on the local computer when the Job Manager last updated the Data Replication Monitor.
Initial Sync Information
Start Time
The date and time on the local computer when data replication activity began for the Replication Pair.
Number of Files To Be Transferred
The number of files to be transferred to the destination computer for the Replication Pair during the Baselining phase; after Baselining, this field is no longer active.
Number of Files Already Transferred
Files transferred for the Replication Log file currently being replayed on the destination computer.
Data To Be Transferred during Initial Sync On Source
The aggregate size of all files to be transferred between the source and destination for the Replication Pair. The actual data transferred may differ slightly from this number, based on whether a given file actually gets transferred in full or in part.
Data Transferred during Initial Sync On Destination
The sum of all data already transferred between the source and destination for the Replication Pair.
Throughput Unit
The rate of data transfer during Baselining, in GB/hour.
Percentage of files transferred for the Replication Log file currently being replayed on the destination computer.
Replicating State Information
Last Log Played Time
The date and time on the local computer when the most recent Replication Log was played on the destination computer.
Replicated Data
The sum of all data transferred between the source and destination since the Start Time.
The number of attempts at replication the system has made for the Replication Pair.
Latest Source Log
The number of the most recent Replication Log that was created on the source computer.
Latest Destination Log
The number of the most recent Replication Log that was replayed on the destination computer.
Throughput Unit
The rate of data transfer during Baselining, in GB/hour.
Pair Abort Reason
For a Replication Pair that was aborted, the reason is listed.
Last Error
The most recent error message for this Replication Pair.