Viewing Virtual Machine Information


You can view virtual machines that you own, see the latest backup or jobs that included a virtual machine, or initiate a restore.


  1. From the navigation pane, click Solutions > Virtualization > Virtual Machines.

    The VMs page shows the VM name, hypervisor, backup size, last backup time, host, and the VSA proxy that performed the backup.


    You can click the table_column_filtering_control button at the right side of the VM table header to add or remove columns or to enable filtering.

  2. To view details for a specific VM, click the VM name.

  3. From the summary display for a VM, you can perform any of the following tasks:

    • Last Backup: View the most recent backup job for the VM.

    • Jobs: View all jobs for the VM.

    • Restore: Start a restore job for the VM.

The Summary area for a VM includes the following information:


  • Hypervisor: The name of the hypervisor that hosts the VM.

  • VM group: The name of the VM group that includes the VM.

  • Proxy: The proxy that performed the last backup. This entry is blank if the last backup was a synthetic full backup.

  • VM size: Size of the VM (GBs).

  • Backup size: The amount of data written during the last backup (GBs).

  • Last backup time: The date and time when the last backup was performed. This entry is blank if the last backup was a synthetic full backup.

  • Guest OS: The guest operating system for the VM.

  • Guest size: The actual space used on the storage volume where the virtual machine resides.

  • Host: The name of the server where the Command Center is running.

  • Total backup time: The total time used for the most recent backup.

In the Security area, the Associations tab shows users or groups who have rights to the VM, along with their associated roles. The Owners tab shows users who have ownership rights to the VM.

You can click Edit to modify security settings for the VM.

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