Newsletter for New Features in Feature Release 11.22


Features and enhancements that we want to highlight in this feature release are listed here, with a link to full documentation for the feature.

For your convenience, the Newsletter for New Features in Feature Release 22 is also available in PDF format, New Features in Feature Release 11.22.

For a comprehensive list of all new features, see New Features.

Complete Backup and Recovery

Back Up and Restore DB2 MultiNode Databases from the Command Center

You can back up and restore DB2 MultiNode databases from the Command Center. You can run in-place and out-of-place restore operations for the databases.

Key Features

You can run backup and restore operations using either the streaming method or the IntelliSnap method.

Applicable Agents

DB2 MultiNode

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Back Up and Restore HCL Domino Version 11

You can back up and restore HCL Domino Version 11 data.

Key Features

The way that you perform backups and restores for Domino Version 11 is thesame as for previous versions of Domino.

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Back Up and Restore Informix Databases from the Command Center

You can back up and restore either the entire Informix server or individual dbspaces in the Command Center.

Key Features

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Back up Informix instances and dbspaces on demandor on a schedule.
  • Restore Informix instances, to the most recent time,to a point in time, or up to a specific logical log.
  • Run log backups at a greater frequency usingdisk cache, without adding to the workload of the CommServe computer.

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Back Up and Restore SAP HANA Databases with SSL Connections

You can back up and restore SAP HANA databases that use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections.

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Back Up and Restore SAP for Oracle Databases in the Command Center

You can back up and restore Oracle databases in large-scale SAP environments from the Command Center.
You can perform full and incremental backups of the database and logs. You can restore to the same instance and host (in place) or to a different destination and host (out of place).
The SAP for Oracle agent integrates with the SAP BRTools and Backint for Oracle interface for the backup and restore operations.

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Configure Commvault VTL for IBM i from the Command Center

You can configure a Commvault Virtual Tape Library (VTL) for IBM i from the Command Center to back up and restore IBM i data.

Key Features

  • Commvault VTL improves backup-restore throughput by going over a fibre channel.
  • Commvault VTL simplifies disaster recovery of IBM i servers.

Applicable Agents

IBM i File System Agent

Setup Requirements

  • Install Commvault VTL for the IBM i File System Agent on the Linux access node.
  • Configure Fibre Channel (FC) network zoning to allow access to the Linux access nodeFC target from the IBM i server.

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Customize Command Center Dashboards

Using the edit view, you can customize Command Center dashboards by adding, rearranging, and removing tiles. Change the title of a dashboard or create a new dashboard by cloning an existing dashboard.

Key Features

  • Include the tiles that are most relevant to you
  • Reorder tiles to fit your needs
  • Create new dashboards to target specific teams or goals
  • Limit user access to specific users or groups

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Duplicate Oracle and Oracle RAC Databases from the Command Center

You can duplicate Oracle and Oracle RAC databases from the Command Center. You can also create a standby database using the duplicate option.

Applicable Agents

  • Oracle
  • Oracle RAC

More Information

Faster Incremental Backups Using the Changelist feature for Dell EMC Isilon File Server

When you have a large number of files to back up in a dataset, and even if only a few files were modified, the regular file system incremental backup operations scans all the files in the dataset to check for changes, which takes a large amount of time.
Changelist is a feature of Dell EMC Isilon that is used to track the changes between two snapshots at a time.
When you run an incremental backup for new clients, the Dell EMC Isilon's Changelist feature is used to identify the changes since the last backup operation. As a result, the file scan times are decreased, and the backup operations are faster.

Applicable Agents

You can use this feature for Dell EMC Isilon OneFS version and later versions.

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File Archiving in the Command Center

With file archiving, you can keep an archive copy of data on secondary disk, tape, or cloud storage. The archived data will be available for quick and easy retrieval.

Key Features

  • Pre-defined archiving rules for managing backed-up data.
  • File indexing for search and retrieval.

Applicable Agents

You can archive data in the following file systems:

  • Macintosh
  • Windows
  • UNIX

You can archive data on the following network file systems:

  • NAS
    • NetApp
    • EMC Celerra
    • Hitachi NAS (BlueArc), EMC Unity, and Isilon
  • Network share

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Identify Crucial CommCell Settings Using the CommCell Configuration Audit Report

For optimal CommCell performance, configure the settings in your CommCell environment to match the recommended Commvault settings that are identified in the CommCell Configuration Audit report.

Key Features

The following settings are compared in this report:

  • Disk and tape library settings
  • Storage policy and storage policy copy settings
  • Media management settings
  • Data aging settings

Setup Requirements

Private Metrics Reporting Server

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Improved Performance for Snapshot Cataloging

Snapshot cataloging for NDMP and network shares uses NetApp SnapDiff v2 when a NetApp storage array is used. Because SnapDiff v2 is faster than the previous version of SnapDiff, snapshot cataloging completes faster.

Applicable Agents

  • NDMP
  • UNIX File System on a NAS client
  • Windows File System on a NAS client

Applicable Arrays

NetApp Storage Array withONTAP 9.5P11, 9.6P6, or 9.7 or later

Setup Requirements

SnapDiff RPC (Remote Procedure Call) must be enabled on the NetApp Vserver.
Supported platforms:

  • 32-bit Linux
  • 64-bit Linux
  • Linuxppc64
  • Windows

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IntelliSnap for Instances on Google Cloud Platform

You can use IntelliSnap to back up and recover instances that are hosted in Google Cloud Platform.
Configure IntelliSnap backup and restore operations from the Command Center.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent

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Manage SharePoint Online Using the Office 365 Solution in the Command Center

You can use the Office 365 solution to back up and restore data in SharePoint Online.

Key Features

  • You can perform site-level configuration and management.
  • You can back up and restore the SharePoint sitesusing multiple access nodes for a faster backup operation.
  • Suitable for service providers to provide backup as a service for SharePoint Online.

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Microsoft SharePoint Server Agent Supports Modern Authentication

Microsoft is deprecating basic authentication in October 2020. SharePoint Server Agent now supports both basic and modern authentication.

Key Features

With this feature, Office 365 SharePoint solutions can use modern authentication to protect SharePoint online data.

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Reduce the RPO to Minutes with Streamlined Log Backups Using Disk Caching for Informix Databases

For Informix, you can run streamlined log backups on a schedule that supports backup frequencies as small as 5 minutes.

Streamlined log backups use caching to a disk library to reduce the backup time for database instances that have a high transaction rate. The backups are written to disk mount paths that are managed by the MediaAgent, so you do not need to store the backups on production servers. The database client and the MediaAgent run the log backups, independent of the CommServe server, which increases the availability of the database client and MediaAgent pair, while also reducing the load on the CommServe application. A second operation periodically commits and registers the logs, to support copy operations. Log backups continue even if the CommServe server is unavailable.

Applicable Agents

Informix agent

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View the DB2 Version Upgrade History

You can view the DB2 version upgrade history in the Command Center or CommCell Console.

Applicable Agents

DB2 agent

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Complete: Enable Service Providers

View Company Data in Metrics Reports

In a multi-tenant CommCell environment, you can configure the Private Metrics Reporting Server to display data for all of the companies that MSP administrators manage. Company data appears in the Command Center dashboard and in some Metrics reports.
After you enable company views, MSP administrators can view either data for all companies or data for each individual company in Metrics reports.

Setup Requirements

Private Metrics Reporting Server

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Complete: Manage New Workloads

Back Up and Restore MongoDB Sharded Clusters or Replica Sets in the Command Center

You can back up and restore MongoDB sharded clusters or replica sets in the Command Center.

You can restore the MongoDB data to the same or a different replica set or to a sharded cluster that has the same number of shards as the source cluster.

Key Features

  • Uses Commvault IntelliSnap technology to protect the cluster
  • Protects both replica set topologies and sharded cluster topologies
  • Protects the MongoDB databases from the secondary node, without using the primary node resources
  • Allows recovery of the entire cluster
  • Allows recovery to the original cluster or to a different cluster with the same number of shards, on-premises or within the cloud

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Seamless Restores of Copy-Only Full Backups for SQL Always-On Availability Groups

You can configure SQL Availability Group instances to run full backups as copy-only full backups on the secondary replica in an Always-On configuration instead of running the full backup on the primary replica.
The SQL agent automatically chains any subsequent log backups to the copy-only full backup, which enables seamless recovery from copy-only full backups.

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VSA Support for MEDITECH on Nutanix AHV

You can use the Commvault software through the Command Center to back up your MEDITECH file server VMs that are hosted in a Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV) cluster.

From the Command Center, you can:

  • Back up MEDITECH VMs
  • Restore full MEDITECH VMs (in place and out-of-place)

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent

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Complete: Protect Virtual Environments

Application-Aware Backups of Azure Stack Hub Virtual Machines

You can use Commvault software to perform application-aware backup operations for virtual machines that run under Microsoft Azure Stack Hub and that host the following applications:

  • Active Directory
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Oracle database for Linux (streaming backups only)
  • Oracle database for Windows

Applicable Agents

  • Active Directory Agent
  • Exchange Database Agent
  • Microsoft SharePoint Agent
  • Microsoft SQL Server Agent
  • MySQL Agent
  • Oracle Agent
  • Virtual Server Agent for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub

Setup Requirements

  • Application guest VMs and VSA proxies must have access to Azure Stack Hubendpoints.
  • To perform application discovery, the CommServe computer must be able to connect to the application guest VMs. (If the CommServe computer cannot connect to the guest VMs, you must install the file system core package on the guest VMs, and then configure the CommServe computer accordingly.)
  • For backups of Oracle databases running on Linux VMs, the CommServe computer, MediaAgent, backup proxy, FREL, and Oracle agent client must reside on the Azure Stack Hub hypervisor. There cannot be any on-premise clients.

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Cross-Account Copying of Amazon Snapshots for RDS and EC2

You can replicate and create Amazon RDS and EC2 full copy snapshots to a different Amazon account in the same or in a different geographic region for your disaster recovery needs. Copying snapshots to a different account prevents snapshot corruption and accidental deletion.

Key Features

  • You can restore data from the copied snapshot even if the source snapshot or the source RDS or EC2 instance is deleted, thereby providing an additional layer of security or air gap.

Applicable Agents

  • Amazon RDS
  • VSAfor Amazon

Setup Requirements

The source Amazon account can be configured with an access key and secretkey, an IAM role, or an STS role ARN. The destination Amazon account must be configured with an access key and secretkey or an STS role ARN.

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Deploy Commvault to Protect Workloads Running in the Azure VMware Solution

You can deploy Commvault to protect workloads running in the Azure VMware Solution (AVS).

Key Features

With AVS, you can perform the following:

  • Backups and restores using vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP)
  • Changed block tracking (CBT)
  • Full, incremental, differential, and synthetic full backups
  • Restores of full VMs, VMDKs (alone or attaching to a VM), and guest files and folders
  • Agentless file recovery
  • Application-aware backups
  • VM conversion from VMware to Microsoft Azure
  • VM conversion from Microsoft Azure to VMware
  • Live Sync replication and Live Sync Direct for snapshot-based replication
  • Replication from VMware to Microsoft Azure

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent for VMware

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For Azure Managed Disks, Back Up and Restore Azure Availability Zones Information

For Azure managed disks, you can back up and restore virtual machines that contain information regarding the Azure Availability Zones. Azure Availability Zones are configured specific locations (physical) within an Azure region.

Azure Availability Zones information is included in streaming backups, IntelliSnap backups, and backup copies. When you restore Azure virtual machines, if the region to which you are restoring your VM supports Azure Availablity Zones, then the Availability Zones information will be restored to the destination VM.

You can run backups and restores for Azure managed disks from the Command Center and the CommCell Console.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent for Azure

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Use the Replication Wizard to Configure Replication for Azure Stack Hub

You can configure replication for VMware VMs to Azure Stack Hub destination sites using a replication wizard that simplifies and streamlines the configuration process.
The replication wizard guides you through the process of setting up source and destination sites for disaster recovery (DR), helping you manage storage, network settings, data transport, and secondary copies.

Key Features

After you set up replication, you canuse the Replication Monitor to manage replication:

  • Monitor replication status and performance to ensure that you meet recovery objectives.
  • Manage DR orchestration operations such as failover and failback.

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Disaster Recovery

Create Oracle Instant Clones from the Commvault Hybrid File Store

For Oracle databases, you can run forever incremental backups that are stored in the Commvault Hybrid File Store. The Commvault software uses the Oracle incremental merge feature to create the backups. You can use these backups to automate the creation of instant clones for DevOps automation requirements.

Key Features

  • You can automatically back up databases and archive logs by using policies that are developed to meet your recovery point objectives.
  • You can create instant clones (live mounts) of an Oracle database for a specified point in time and automate the lifecycle of the instant clones.

Applicable Agents


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Disaster Recovery for Virtualized Workloads

Commvault Disaster Recovery provides disaster recovery and orchestration for virtualized workloads across on-premises and cloud environments, including Amazon Web Services, Azure, Azure Stack Hub, Hyper-V, and VMware.
You can configure replication for virtual machines and instances quickly, using a configuration wizard that streamlines the configuration process.

Key Features

  • Periodic replication
  • Continuous replication for VMware using VAIO filters
  • Continuous DR orchestration, group support
  • Multiple cloud support
  • Planned or unplanned failover, failback, and other orchestration features
  • Replication monitoring and compliance reporting
  • Validation of replicated virtual machines and instances at disaster recovery sites

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server

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Validate Backups of VMware Virtual Machines

You can validate streaming backups of VMware guest virtual machines, including VMs that run applications. Validation performs a live mount operation for the VM, and can also run a script to verify that the VM and application are usable.

You can use validation to verify that backups are available in the event that you need to restore application data from a backup, or to replicate VMs and applications for use in the event of a disaster.

You can configure validation for a VM group in the Command Center, and monitor validation from the Virtualization dashboard.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent

Setup Requirements

  • To specify a standard location where VMs are mounted, or to enable non-admin users to configure backup validation, create a recovery target.
  • Create a VM group for each set of guest VMs that run an application. For example, you can create one VM group for VMs that run SQL Server, and a separate VM group for VMs that run Exchange.
  • Obtain credentials for guest VMs that run applications.
  • Use a Windows access node (VSA proxy) for application validation.
  • If necessary, create custom validation scripts for applications. A script for SQL Server is included with the Virtual Server Agent package.

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Hedvig Storage

Hedvig Storage Management Using the Command Center

Commvault provides the following solutions with Hedvig storage:

  • Hedvig storage management using the Command Center
  • Hedvig as a disaster recovery target
  • Copy data management

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Journey to the Cloud

Authenticate Azure SQL Databases Using Managed Identities

You can now authenticate Azure SQL database backup and restore operations using Azure Managed Identities.

Managed identities is a secure authentication method for Azure cloud services that allows only authorized managed-identity-enabled virtual machines to access your Azure subscription.

Key Features

Provides Azure services with an automatically managed identity in Azure AD. You can use the identity to authenticate any service that supports Azure AD authentication without the need to store the credentials in the source code.

Applicable Agents

Azure SQL Server database

Setup Requirements

  • The user must have Service Administrator role privileges.
  • The access nodes must be in the Azure cloud.

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Automatically Scale Azure Access Nodes

You can use the automatic scaling feature to launch access nodes in Azure only when you need to back up VMs, and then decommission the access nodes soon after you use them. This feature reduces the amount of time that you use Azure access nodes for backup, and can also reduce the cost of using them.

Key Features

  • Automatically creates up to 100 access nodes to back up VMs.
  • Automatically decommissions access nodes after 1 hour of inactivity using the Power Management feature and the Lifecycle Management feature.

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Azure NetApp Files for SAP HANA

You can use the IntelliSnap capability to take snapshots of SAP HANA databases with Azure NetApp Files.

Applicable Agents


Applicable Arrays

Microsoft Azure

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Back Up and Restore Amazon EC2, RDS, and EKS Workloads, and MySQL and PostgreSQL Databases, on AWS Outposts

You can back up and restore EC2, RDS, and EKS workloads, and MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, running in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Outposts.

Also, you can replicate and migrate workloads between the AWS region and Outposts.
AWS Outposts is an on-premises, fully-managed deployment of AWS EC2, RDS, and EKS services, infrastructure, and operations that provides hybrid cloud capabilities.

Key Features

  • Back up and recover AWS Outposts-hosted workloads.
  • Cloud native snapshot orchestration and back up to Commvault cloud libraries.
  • Ensure data residency needs are met for AWS Outposts backup data with plans.
  • Migrate data between AWS region and AWS Outposts with Commvault automation.
  • Extend your Disaster Recovery landscape with failover/failback between AWS region and AWS Outposts, and vice versa.

Applicable Agents

  • Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for Amazon.
  • Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for Amazon Web Services (EC2, RDS, EKS).
  • MySQL Agent (if performing MySQL dump/export backup)
  • PostgreSQL Agent (if performing PostgreSQL dump/export backup).

Applicable Arrays

Amazon (Web Services)

Setup Requirements

  • At least one AWS access node is required to perform EC2, RDS, and EKS backups.
  • The access node for EC2 and RDS backups must be located in the AWS region.
  • The access node for EKS and RDS dump/export backups must be located within AWS Outposts.
  • AWS Outposts workloads are identified by subnet only. Commvault recommends the use of AWS tagging to identify AWS Outposts applications for backup and restores.
  • AWS Outposts does not currently provide Amazon S3 storage. All EBS snapshots are stored in the region.
    • If localized backup copies are required (within AWS Outposts), the EBS volumes can be provisioned as a Commvault disk library.
    • Commvault can be directed to write to local storage devices outside your AWS Outposts via an Amazon Local Gateway (LGW).

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Back Up and Restore Azure Cosmos DB Cloud Database

Commvault supports backup and restore functionality for Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB accounts with Core (SQL API). Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed and multi-model cloud database (Database-as-a-Service).
You can configure full and incremental backups for the database containers to meet the desired SLA, long-term retention, and compliance needs. This functionality is available using the Command Center, REST APIs, or the command line interface.

Setup Requirements

  • A Windows or Linux file server with the Virtual Server package installed
  • An Azure cloud account

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Back Up and Restore Encrypted GCP Instance Disks

You can back up and restore GCP instance disks that are encrypted with a customer-managed encryption key.

Customer-managed encryption keys are generated using the Google Cloud Key Management Service.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent for Google Cloud Platform

Setup Requirements

Verify that all instances and VSA proxies are upgraded to Feature Release 22, or a more recent version.

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Back Up and Restore Nutanix Files in the Command Center

You can back up and restore data (CIFS shares and NFS exports) that resides on your Nutanix Files file server in the Command Center.

Key Features

You can use the Command Center to perform the following tasks:

  • Quickly configure file servers, storage, and subclients to back up
  • Back up subclients immediately or on a schedule
  • Restore CIFS shares and NFS exports to the source Nutanix Files file server or any other file location
  • Monitor jobs, events, and alerts

Applicable Agents

  • Windows File System Agent
  • Linux File System Agent

Applicable Arrays


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Back Up and Restore Regional Persistent Disks for Google Cloud Platform

For Google Cloud Platform (GCP), you can back up and restore regional persistent disks (standard and solid-state drive).

When regional persistent disks reside on an instance that is configured for backups and restores, the regional persistent disks are included in the backups. You can then restore the instance that includes these disks either in-place or to a new destination.

For out-of-place restores, if the instance that you are restoring includes regional disks, all the regional disks are restored to the selected zone.

You can configure GCP backup and restore operations from the Command Center.

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Configuring Azure RBAC Authentication for Cloud Storage

You can configure Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) authentication to authenticate a cloud storage library. Use the Azure AD App Registration tool to create a Microsoft Azure AD application. The tool also creates a credential for Azure RBAC. When you create a Microsoft Azure cloud storage library, you can assign the credential to the library.

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Convert Virtual Machines from Amazon to VMware

In the Command Center, when you restore an Amazon instance from a backup, you can restore it as a VMware vSphere virtual machine.

You can restore an instance from a streaming backup or from a secondary copy. You cannot restore an instance from a snapshot copy or from an IntelliSnap backup copy.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent

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Convert Virtual Machines from Google Cloud Platform to VMware

When you restore a Google Cloud Platform virtual machine (VM) from a backup, you can restore the VM as a VMware VM.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent

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Convert Virtual Machines from Hyper-V to Azure Stack Hub

When restoring a virtual machine from a backup for Hyper-V, you can convert the VM to Azure Stack Hub.

This feature can be used to migrate workloads to Azure Stack Hub, and is available in the Command Center.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent

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Creating VM Disk Filters for Google Cloud Platform

You can manage your VM group content by creating disk filters to exclude virtual machine disks from backups.

You can create disk filters in the Command Center.

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Cross-Account Data Management By Using Security Token Service (STS) AssumeRole API and Amazon IAM Roles

Use STS AssumeRole capability in the backup and management of Amazon EC2, EBS, EKS, IAM, KMS, RDS, S3, and SSM services.

Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides a method for end-users to replace the user name and secrets based authentication with IAM Roles. Amazon STS AssumeRole capability extends IAM Roles by allowing one Amazon user to request temporary credentials of another user.

Key Features

  • Use STS:AssumeRole to centralize backup operations, while assuming the role of each protected sub-account during backup activities.
  • Remove the requirement to provision Amazon Access Nodes per account, by using a single pool of Access Nodes to protect many accounts.
  • Remove the use of Access Key/Secret Key configurations which require manual key rotation to stay secure over time.

Applicable Agents

  • Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for Amazon
  • Virtual Server Agent for Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Cloud Apps agent for Amazon S3

Setup Requirements

  • At least two distinct Amazon accounts or IAM Roles must exist.
  • The sub-account must explicitly trust the organizational service account to permit request of temporary credentials from the STS service.
  • Both the service account and the sub-account must have the permissions to perform backup via either amazon_permission_backup_restore.json or amazon_restricted_role_permissions.json.
  • The service account must be granted permission to call the STS:AssumeRole() API call.
  • The Amazon Access Node must have layer 3 connectivity to either directly or via HTTP PROXY.

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Deploy VMware on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

You can deploy Commvault to protect workloads running in Oracle Cloud VMware Solution. The vCenter and hosts reside on high-performance servers in the Oracle Cloud datacenter.

You can use Oracle Cloud VMware Solution with Commvault 11.20, or a more recent feature release.

Key Features

Commvault supports the following features with Oracle Cloud VMware Solution:

  • Streaming and IntelliSnap backups and restores for virtual machines using vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP)
  • Changed block tracking (CBT)
  • Full, incremental, differential, and synthetic full backups
  • Restores of full VMs, VMDKs (alone or attaching to a VM), and guest files and folders
  • Agentless file recovery to virtual machines
  • Replication from streaming or IntelliSnapbackups
  • Live mount
  • Live VM recovery
  • File indexing (in Command Center)

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent

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Direct Read Backups for AWS EC2 Instances and EBS Volumes

Direct read backups improve backups for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volumes by leveraging the newly-announced Amazon EBS direct APIs. Direct read backups read data off the EBS snapshots directly, without the need to create and attach volumes to the access node. This enhancement provides improved recovery point objectives (RPOs), faster backups, and reduced backup costs.

Key Features

  • Perform an EC2/EBS backup copy operationby requesting the backup data via ebs:GetSnapshotBlock.(ebs:GetSnapshotBlock is transferred from the EBS direct endpoints. Commvault recommends that you use EBS VPC endpoints.)
  • Perform a Commvault auxiliary copy operation by requesting data via ebs:GetSnapshotBlock.
  • Perform multi-tenant and multi-account protection with ebs:GetSnapshotBlock.
  • Leverage on-premises access nodes to protect EC2/EBS(egress charges apply).

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for AWS

Setup Requirements

AWS VSA credentials must have the ebs:GetSnapshotBlock and iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy permissions.

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Enhanced Options for Salesforce

New features are added to existing capabilities in Command Center for Salesforce:

  • You can access your Salesforce account by using the OAuth protocol.
  • If you are a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you can simplify the setup for your tenants.

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File System Restores to Cloud Storage Accounts

From the Command Center, you can restore backed-up data to the following cloud storage accounts:

  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
  • Azure File Storage
  • Google Cloud
  • IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS)

Applicable Agents

File System Agent

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Google Cloud VMware Engine

Commvault support for Google Cloud VMware Engine is certified by Google for Feature Release 22 and subsequent releases.
From the Command Center, you can deploy Commvault to protect workloads running in Google Cloud VMware Engine. The vCenter and hosts reside on high-performance servers in the Google Cloud datacenter.

Key Features

  • Backups and restores using vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP)
  • Changed block tracking (CBT)
  • Full, incremental, differential, and synthetic full backups
  • Restores of full VMs, VMDKs (alone or attaching to a VM), and guest files and folders
  • Agentless file recovery
  • Application-aware backups
  • VM conversion from VMware to GCP
  • Replication from streaming or IntelliSnapbackups

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent

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Incremental Snapshots for Applications in Azure Infrastructure with Managed Disks

IntelliSnap for Azure Managed Disks includes the following enhancements:

  • Create incremental snapshots for Azure managed disks, by default. Incremental snapshots are cost effective point-in-time backups that store only the changes on the disks since the most recent snapshot.
  • Optimize the snap operation performance by reducing the time taken to mount and unmount from multiple Azure disks.

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IntelliSnap for Google Cloud Platform

You can use IntelliSnap to take snapshots of data on Google Cloud platform.

The snapshots are used for in-place and cross-server recovery, as well as for creating clones of databases to another server in the cloud.

Applicable Agents

  • Oracle
  • UNIX File System
  • Windows File System

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Manage OneDrive for Business Using the Office 365 Solution in the Command Center

You can use the Office 365 solution to back up and restore data in OneDrive for Business.

Key Features

  • You can perform user-level configuration and management.
  • You can back up and restore the user accounts using multiple access nodes for a faster backup operation.
  • Suitable for service providers to provide backup as a service for OneDrive for Business.

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Replicate SAP HANA Databases in Cloud

Use Live Sync to replicate SAP HANA databases running on cloud infrastructure like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

The Live Sync operation integrates with cloud native snapshots and replicates the incremental changes of a database to a synced copy of the database. The replication is triggered automatically when an IntelliSnap backup runs on the source database.

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Restore Mailboxes to a Point-In-Time

You can restore the data of one or more mailboxes from a backup to a state or a folder structure at a given point-in-time.
You can revert the mailbox to a state just before an undesired incident occurred in the mailbox.

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Specify the Amazon EBS Volume Type and Amazon KMS Encryption Key for AWS Live Sync Replication

When Amazon EC2 instances are replicated to a different region or to a different Availability Zone, the business purpose and the operational team of the EC2 instances often change.
To optimize the cost and performance of the replicated EC2 instances, you can customize the destination Amazon EBS volume type. Also, you can encrypt or re-encrypt the destination Amazon EBS volume with an Amazon KMS key that is different from the KMS key used by the source EBS volume. Data in transit between the source and the destination is always encrypted.

Key Features

  • Customize the Amazon EBS volume type for the replicated EBS volumes.
  • Customize the Amazon KMS encryption key for the replicated EBS volumes.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for Amazon

Applicable Arrays

Amazon(Web Services)

Setup Requirements

  • To perform EBS volume encryption, you must have a pre-existing Amazon Key Management Service (KMS) or an equivalent KMIP-compliant encryption key available in the destination account.
  • To perform a HotAdd optimized recovery, you must have an AWS access node, and identical source and destination regions.
  • If the source and destination regions are different, then a non-optimized VM import/export recovery is performed.

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Specify the Volume Type and Encryption Key Type for AWS During Restores and Conversion

To optimize storage configuration, specify the required Amazon EBS volume type and encryption key during full instance restores and conversion to Amazon. Specifying an encryption key ensures the data remains encrypted from source to destination.

Key Features

  • Select preferred Amazon EBS volume type during EC2, EBS, or virtual machine restores or conversion.
  • Maintain end-to-end encryption during on-premises to cloud migrations (VM conversion).

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for Amazon

Applicable Arrays

Amazon(Web Services)

Setup Requirements

  • A VSA for Amazon agent must exist in the destination availability zone to perform a restore operation.
  • An Amazon Key Management Service (KMS) or an equivalent KMIP-compliant encryption key must pre-exist for use during the restore operation.

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Use a Region-Wide AWS Access Node to Perform a Full Volume and a Full Instance Optimized Recovery

You can perform a HotAdd recovery if one or more EBS volumes are attached to an AWS access node for restores.
You can use the HotAdd recovery method for a full volume restore, for a VM conversion, or for a VM live sync replication. This feature allows you to perform a HotAdd recovery by using an access node residing in any Availability Zone (AZ), within the restore region.
For example, if the AWS access node is in us-east-1b, you can use it to perform HotAdd restores in us-east-1a,b,c,d,e,f. This ability drastically reduces the amount of infrastructure required to perform a multi-AZ recovery, and, therefore, the cloud runtime costs.

Key Features

  • Perform a full volume HotAdd recovery with the access node in any Availability Zone within the destination region.
  • Perform a full VM HotAdd recovery (including VM conversion) with the access node in any Availability Zone within the destination region.
  • Perform a VM live sync with the access node in any Availability Zone within the destination region.

Applicable Agents

Virtual Server Agent (VSA) for Amazon

Applicable Arrays

Amazon(Web Services)

Setup Requirements

No specific setup is required.

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Modern Infrastructures

Automatically Managing the State of MediaAgents for a Storage Policy Based on KPIs

The software uses historic data and machine learning algorithms to monitor the key performance indicator (KPI) anomalies for MediaAgents. You can configure the software to automatically enable, disable, or restart the MediaAgents to correct the KPI anomalies and to help increase the job success rates.

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Back Up and Restore Qumulo Data

You can back up and restore data (CIFS shares and NFS exports) that resides on your Qumulo file server.

Key Features

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Quickly configure file servers, storage, and subclients to back up
  • Back up subclients on demand or on a schedule
  • Restore CIFS shares and NFS exports to the source Qumulo file server or any other file location

More Information

Configure Ransomware Protection for Disk Libraries on a Linux MediaAgent

You can configure ransomware protection for local and mounted disk libraries on a Linux MediaAgent and on a node in a HyperScale storage pool. After you configure ransomware protection, only certain white-listed Commvault processes can modify the backup data that is present on the MediaAgent. This protection greatly reduces the risk of a ransomware attack on the backup data.

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Configure an Identity Provider CommCell to Manage Multiple CommCells

In a CommCell environment, you can configure a CommCell to act as the Identity Provider (IdP) CommCell to manage other CommCells that you add as service CommCells. The user can log on to the Command Center of the IdP CommCell, and then access and manage the service CommCells.

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Enable a Passkey for Browsing and Restoring Backup Data

When you create and require a passkey for a client computer, end-users must enter the passkey whenever they attempt to browse and restore backup data on the client computer. This ensures that only authorized users have access to client computer backup data.

In a CommCell environment, MSP administrators can create and require a passkey for all client computers at the CommCell and company levels. Similarly, tenant administrators can create and require a passkey for all their client computers at the company level.

In addition, the MSP administrator and tenant administrators can enable the passkey feature for client owners, so that client owners can create and require a passkey for each of their client computers.

Key Features

  • After enabling a passkey, the Authorize for restore option appears. Enable the Authorize for restore option to allow an end-user that entered the correct passkey to browse and restore backup data for a period of thirty minutes.
  • An MSP administrator and tenant administrator can enable and require the passkey feature, using the Command Center.
  • A client owner can create and require the passkey feature using the Command Center, Web Console, and CommCell Console.
  • All users (the MSP administrator, tenant administrators, and client owners) can use REST API requests to create and require a passkey for a client computer.
  • If passkeys are defined at multiple levels, the lowest level passkey takes precedence. For example, a passkey that is configured for a client computer takes precedence over a passkey that is configured for a company, and a user who is performing a restore for the client computer must use the passkey that is configured by the client owner.

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Export 3DFS (NFS and CIFS) Shares From a Global Repository Cell

By exporting the backup data as 3DFS shares from the Global Repository Cell (GRC), you can access the backup data of the PodCell. On the exported share, you can perform browse and restore operations.

Key Features

  • Run analytics tools on the data managed by PodCells.
  • Save storage space by avoiding temporary restores of data from multiple PodCells.

Applicable Agents

  • Windows File System
  • UNIX File System
  • Windows Archiving
  • UNIX Archiving

More Information

Improved Performance for NDMP Restore Operations

NDMP restore operations that only include files automatically use the Synthetic Restore feature when the files are restored to a NetApp file server and the backup does not include alternate data streams (ADS). The Synthetic Restore feature generates a backup image that only contains the data selected for the restore operation.

The Synthetic Restore feature is especially useful when you restore a small number of files from a backup that contains a large number of files.

Applicable Agents

  • NDMP

Setup Requirements

  • NetApp file server

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Understand and Activate Data

Analyze NFS Exports in File Storage Optimization

In File Storage Optimization, you can analyze data in an NFS export even if a file system agent is not installed.

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Capture Additional Data for NetApp Data Sources in Activate

File monitoring tracks file activities such as who accessed, modified, deleted, or renamed a file, and provides the information required to remediate files. For example, you can determine the exposure of a sensitive document by reviewing the number of users who accessed the document. File monitoring information is available in Sensitive Data Governance and File Storage Optimization for files residing on a NetApp file server.

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Manage Index Servers from the Command Center

From the Command Center interface, you can configure a new index server, add nodes to an existing index server, and monitor the performance of an existing index server.

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Organize Files in File Storage Optimization by Using Tags

Categorize the data using predefined and custom tags that can be used to coordinate and build effective remediation strategies.

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Use Case Manager and Compliance Search to Preserve and to Discover File System Data in the Command Center

In the Command Center, you can use Case Manager and Compliance Search to preserve and to discover files relevant to legal proceedings.

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View Activate Licenses in the License Summary Report

You can view usage information about Activate licenses in the License Summary Report. The report displays information about the licenses that your organization purchased and used for Activate features, which are measured individually.

Key Features

Activate feature usage is divided into the following license types:

  • File Storage Optimization
  • Activate E-Discovery For Files
  • Activate E-Discovery for Email/Cloud Apps
  • Activate Sensitive Data for Files
  • Activate Sensitive Data for Email/Cloud Apps

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