Control Panel


The Control Panel offers configurable parameters for the entire CommCell. The following table lists these parameters and provides links to the associated information.



Add/Remove Software

Options to configure the CommServe cache directory and remote cache locations.

For more information, see Manage the CommServe Cache and Manage the Remote Cache.


Opens the Alert configuration wizard which allows you to configure alerts for the CommCell.

For instructions on using this wizard, see Creating an Alert from the Alert Wizard.

For more information on alerts, see Alerts and Notifications - Overview.

Array Management

Provides the option to view, add, or modify the access information for an array to be used for SnapProtect Backup.

For instructions, see Storage Array Configuration.

Audit Trail

Operations performed with this feature are recorded in the Audit Trail. See Audit Trail for more information.

Blackout Window

Allows you to define the operation windows in the CommCell.

For more information, see Blackout Window.


Allows you to set global browse and recovery settings. For more information, see Browse/Search/Recovery Option.

Certification Administration

Allows you to create client certificates to authenticate connections between client computers and the CommServe host.

For more information, see Network: Client Certificates.

Cloud Metrics Reporting

Allows you to enable data collection for our Cloud Metrics Reporting Server. On the General tab, you can set the types of reports for which data is collected. Data collection for all reports is enabled by default. The Configuration tab allows you to select the client groups that will appear in the reports and to set up a proxy client for downloading scripts and uploading data. The Registration Information tab allows you to enter your e-mail address so that we can create a user account for you in the Cloud Services site.

For more information, see Configuring Cloud Metrics Reporting.

CommCell Import/Export

Provides merge settings to import data from the CommCell, and options to set the answer file with media mapping options, destination mount path details and new client names.

For more information, see CommCell Migration.

Credential Manager

With Credential Manager, you can store credentials for different types of accounts to use for various CommCell configurations.

For more information, see Credential Manager.

Custom Calendars

Allows you to add, modify or delete custom calendars.

For more information, see Custom Calendars.

Data Interface Pairs

Open the Data Interface Pairs wizard which lets you to define the interface pairs that must be used between any two components in the CommCell.

For more information, see Data Interface Pairs.

DR Backup

Allows you to configure the Disaster Recovery Backups on the CommServe.

For more information, see CommServe Recovery Using Disaster Recovery Backup.

Email and Web Server

  • Allows you to setup the Mail Server and other options for sending alerts, reports, and log files.

    Before sending an email, you must set-up the email server within the CommCell Console. See E-Mail Server Configuration for more information.

  • Allows you to configure the CommCell Console to use an alternate IIS server.

    For more information, see Web Administration for CommCell Console.

Global Filters

Provides options to setup the global filters to be used in the CommCell.

Hardware Maintenance

Allows you to establish thresholds for storage devices used in the CommCell.

For more information, see Hardware Maintenance.

Identity Management

Use to register an application if you want to use external authentication to log on to the Web Console or to use a single logon across multiple CommCells.

For information about using a single logon, see Multi-CommCell Single Sign-On (SSO).

For information about external authentication and the Web Console, see External Authentication with SAML Integration (SSO).

Internet Options

Allows you to specify a particular client computer that is used as a proxy machine for uploading and downloading information on the Internet.

For more information, see any of these topics:

Job Management

Provides options to do the following:

Expert Storage Configuration

  • Displays configured devices (libraries and drives) in the CommCell.

    For more information, see Expert Storage Configuration.

  • Displays all the logical data paths to the devices in the CommCell.

    For more information, see Expert Storage Configuration.

  • Provides options to configure shared disk devices in the SAN environment.

    For more information, see Disk Libraries.

Licensing and Registration

Provides necessary options to view and manage the licenses in the CommCell.

For more information, see License Administration.

Media Management

Name Management

Provides options to change the names of CommCell computers. See Name Management.

Owner Permissions

Allows you to set the permissions for all client owners.

For more information, see Assigning Permissions to Owners.

Private Metrics Reporting

Allows you to enable data collection for your organization's Private Metrics Reporting Server. On the General tab, you can set the types of reports for which data is collected. The Configuration tab allows you to select the client groups that will appear in the reports and to set up a proxy client for downloading scripts and uploading data. The Forwarding tab allows you to configure the forwarding of Metrics Reporting data to the Cloud Metrics Reporting Server, or multiple Private Metrics Reporting Servers.

For more information, see Configure Private Metrics Reporting.

Quick Access Tools

Provides the ability to create application or workflow shortcuts that allow you to execute any application or workflow directly from any CommCell component in the CommCell Console.

For more information, see Tools.


Allows you to enable chaining for Windows ContinuousDataReplicator agents to use destination paths as a source for replication pairs.

For more information, see Replication Pair Conflicts.


Allows you to configure a Systems Center Operations Manager (SCOM) Server to receive alerts from the CommServe database.

For more information, see Setting Up Alerts and Notifications - SCOM Alerts.

Set Holidays

Allows you set the holidays in which schedules will not be executed.

For more information, see Scheduling.

SNMPV3 Configuration

Allows you to add computers using the SNMP v3 protocol in order to receive SNMP traps.

For more information, see Adding Client Computers to Receive the SNMP Trap Alerts.

SQL Server Agent

Set the user account for the SQL Server Agent within the CommCell Console.

For more information, see User Account Configuration for the SQL Server Agent.

Set advanced options for SQL database and log backups. For more information, see SQL Agent Configuration (SQL Configuration).


Troubleshooting Settings

Allows you to establish the upload and Email information for sending log files.

For more information, see Log Files.

User Account Management

Provides the ability to update the account credentials of a CommCell user.

For more information, see User Accounts and Passwords.

User Preferences

  • Allows you to choose the web browser that the software uses to open HTML files, if different from the default browser configured on the computer.

  • Allows you to change display options for the CommCell Console.

    For more information, see Modifying the Look and Feel.

  • Provides the ability to set the job retention option.

    For more information see, Job Controller.

  • Provides options to customize the display in the Event Viewer.

    For more information, see Event Viewer.

  • Provides filters to be selected for displaying clients satisfying the selected filters.

  • Provides filters to be selected for displaying clients under client computer groups satisfying the selected filters.

  • Provides option to display all IntelliSnap configured MediaAgents in the advanced backup options.

    For more information, see MediaAgent - FAQ.

  • Set the time zone and the date and time formats for the CommCell Console.

    The following options are available for the Time Zone setting:

    • CommServ time zone

    • Current system time zone

    • User defined time zone

    The following options are available for the Date and Time formats setting:

    • Current system locale default formats

    • User defined date and time formats

    For more information, see Modifying the Look and Feel.

    For User Preferences to take effect, the user must log off and log back on to the CommCell Console.

Volume Explorer

Provides options to configure disk volumes in the CommCell.